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Banned for going blitzkrieg with the Shermans.
Banned for doing a Blitzkrieg Bop flash mob in the plaza at noon
Banned for trying to catch the Blitzkrieg Bop flash mob at noon but you were directed by a goon to the Macarena flash mob on the moon.
Post edited December 30, 2019 by EPurpl3
Banned because I payed for this ad, please download it so I can feed my family.
Banned, because scripture says he who doesn't work, shall not eat.
low rated
^Banned for sorta being Biggus(Religious)Dikkus o.0

Hooyaah: Banned for not recognizing GameRager as the consummate mulitple banner/quoter
To be fair I don't think I ever multibanned here....I have multiquoted though....just a semi-correction. :)

(All posts below the === line are always quotes, not bans. :))

Hooyaah: Banned for doing a Blitzkrieg Bop flash mob in the plaza at noon
Nice song choice. :D

jsidhu762: Banned because I payed for this ad, please download it so I can feed my family.
Silly nigerians/indians/etc......that don't fool me none. ;D
Post edited December 30, 2019 by GameRager
Banned for puttin' on the Ritz.
Banned for obscure allusions to ancient jazz music...get with the times, it's almost 2020!
Banned for dissing Young Frankenstein.
Banned for motivating children to do medical experiments.
low rated
^ =====================================

jsidhu762: Banned for puttin' on the Ritz.
Banned because you are a sly, two faced brick.
Banned for not building up to the ban.
Banned for not mentioning the giveaway banner on the front page.
low rated
Banned, because it's only for an action rpg, and I don't like that genre, not refined enough.