Not having the slightest idea what one is purchasing?
Well, that would be me and my car. I don't care how it works, I care about it running and bringing me from A to B.
The same goes for most people who buy a TV, 82", 120" you name it. Why would they have to know how it works beyond what they can control using the remote?
If we look at machines like the Amiga, even back then there was no need to know. You turn it on, you insert the disk, you play ... or you write texts or you paint an image or something.
Book authors didn't have to know how a text computer works. They turned it on and started typing, then turned it off.
The time when we users had to know how the PC works are mostly gone. The vaste majority of users only hays very superficial knowledge.
Even if we oldtimer geeks hate it ... trying to change the windows design in a way that it looks like a smartphone is the right thing to do.
What the PCs miss still, is a automatism to find resolutions for problems (missing dll, wrong dll, missing runtime).
If we didn't have the awesome backward compatibility of a open system like Windows, we would not even need that.
The question where to get the 2007 version of a certain dll would not even pop up, the game would just not be compatible, end of story.
All those noob users playing dumbass puzzle games are the ones who put the money into the business that keeps our hobby alive.