SargonAelther: I mean this is more on GOG. No one on Steam is having such issues. We've had plenty of cases with pre-order bonuses and season pass DLCs of other games not unlocking by other publishers on GOG too.
While you're technically correct, I'm pretty sure there would be less issues if NISA was not using the anti-consumer practice of launch exclusive bonuses. As far as I'm concerned, I've only had issue with their games and the only difference with others games I've purchased is this disgusting practice. So... no matter who's responsible, I hate that Nihon Falcom games are published by a publisher I despise.
SargonAelther: That being said, if the rumours are true, the Sky remake games may be published by XSEED again, not NISA.
Can't say I'm hyped for the Sky remake; I mean the originals are perfectly fine the way they are. I'd much prefer they finish the Trails story instead of making remakes, like Toshihiro Kondo originally said they will. Last time I checked, they were 70% done, and I'd like them to finish it before both they and I die :-D (I'll still purchase the remakes of course, like a true Nihon Falcom fan lol)
I'm much more hyped for Tokyo Xanadu Next, I loved the first one; So I can't wait for the follow up, it's been so long :-)