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Post edited December 05, 2013 by dragonsreach
dragonsreach: Alice
Hit #26

not happy about the headaches that answer caused :(

the reference was about the song.
Post edited December 04, 2013 by Chimerical
dragonsreach: Alice
Chimerical: Hit #26

not happy about the headaches that answer cause :(
Since I broke a technical rule on does that mean it doesn't count toward my total? :-) Sorry
Chimerical: Hit #26

not happy about the headaches that answer cause :(
dragonsreach: Since I broke a technical rule on does that mean it doesn't count toward my total? :-) Sorry
sorry I am counting it, it was a guess.
Ohhh. I see. Well now...
dragonsreach: Since I broke a technical rule on does that mean it doesn't count toward my total? :-) Sorry
Chimerical: sorry I am counting it, it was a guess.
:-p Happy Holidays!
New Hints Up
More Hints Up
Universal Soldier with Ally Walker
Benny and Joon?
dragonsreach: Universal Soldier with Ally Walker
Jason X
cannard: Benny and Joon?
Hit #25
cannard: Jason X
Hit #23
Post edited December 04, 2013 by Chimerical
OK then! With all the hints for the day solved, guys, instead of just throwing out whatever at the wall in the hope it'll stick (which at this point seems like trying to shoot a fly with a pin needle launched from a rubber band... while blindfolded) let us discuss amongst ourselves what the pattern could possibly be. I already found the numerical pattern here but the THEMATIC pattern, besides the obvious (movies and superheroes yay!) is what is so cryptic.

So we know now we are down to

4 superheroes
3 comedy
3 sci-fi
2 fantasy
1 horror
1 drama
1 action

2000+ 7
90's 1
80's 3
70's 1
60's 1
40's 1
30's 1
And that's about it.

What connection do these movies share? What is the logic behind their placement? Some linkage, separation by degrees? Could the number one movie have something to do with KEVIN BACON??? The best I could find, and something that is probably of no help at all, but perhaps better than nothing, is...

A lot of these movies were very badly received, critically. Not all, but a good number of them.

Bruce Campbell features in more than a few of these.

And that's just movies. Superheroes I have absolutely no knowledge of whatsoever. But there's only four of those left. One of them must presumably be a movie title as well. What have we missed? I think we've pretty much exhausted every one of them unless there's one super-obscure one that only featured in Turkey or something. Here's the "miss" list, up to date as of this writing, once more:

Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, have any ideas? Let's collaborate and actually put some brain-think into this!

Some things I just want to clarify with the creator with a few of these entries: does "Baron Munchausen" refer to the movie "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen," the one by Terry Gilliam, starring John Neville and Uma Thurman? Does The Day the Earth Stood Still refer to the original or the remake? Metropolis the anime or the German silent film classic?
Post edited December 04, 2013 by cannard