I'm calling bullshit on the role-playing in Dragonfall. If I go into a scummy club, and the bartender tells me that if I mess with him, he'll call in the guards, who will themselves start shooting everything and everyone in sight, I WANT THE OPTION TO SMASH HIS FACE IN ANYWAY.
My guy has the combined intelligence and charisma of the cinder block I named him after. He's an adept, which means magical face-punchy/stabby all day long. My guy would TOTALLY beat that bartender into a bleeding, squealing mush, and to hell with the consequences (and the body count).
donsanderson: Those aren't for him silly, I told him to bring enough for the rest of the guys. If only I could find the rest of the guys.
(Quietly sneaks horse out of camp)
No way, we had a meeting, you're out. You are out..of..uniform..bucko!
HypersomniacLive: We just wanted you to think so, why do you think you can't find the rest of the guys?
So leave the horse in piece and behave.
P.S. And don't think that "bucko" went unnoticed.
And on that note, I'm out, I'm making way too many typos, a clear sign I need some rest. Will try to put myself to sleep with Star Wars Ep. 1 (how I had to use that term for the original trilogy).
See you tomorrow, most likely later in the day though.
We are Legion, resistance is futile.
Goodnight. Sleep well when you get there. =)