Shadowstalker16: No, ofc not. They're as same as us, living,eating etc. Anyway, you won't have to deal with many up there lol. Most snakes are non-venomous and actively keep away from humans since they know who the killers are. And killing them is as bad as killing any other wildlife. And,I kinda connect with them since they clearly don't mean any harm and are still misunderstood and persecuted. Just because they don't appear to have emotion. A trait myself and a lot of people here I'm sure can connect with.
FoxySage: Yes, that is what i like about my country. Too cold for snakes to live in (well, we have one species sadly enough). If you hadn't gathered it yet from my response i'm deadly afraid of snakes to the point i've had a few nightmares with them. =)
And yes, i know not all are venomous but they're still creepy and it isn't because their don't appear to have emotions.
I had a similar thing with spiders. Some fear that even though I know there not dangerous, they can do......something.......It helps when you learn stuff about them; and I've gradually tried to increase my tolerance. Still not gone completely though, but it helps.