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high rated
********************************************CLOSED!!!********************************************************* ****

I guess I'm a fixture around here now. 8o)

As is customary (and a custom I support!), I will celebrate with a giveaway. Up for the giving this time around are:

Tropico 3: Gold Edition (Steam)

1. Be human (Thespian can be in even though he is only half-human. I hope he drops in!) If I suspect you are not in fact human, I will search for your contributions. If you are found lacking, you will be sentenced to 1 month hard labor on the forum post plantation.
2. State which game you would like to be in for. Choose only one, please.
3. Tell me which game(s) you are excited about coming soon. This is a good way for me to hear about games that might not be on my radar.

I will close this giveaway on Sunday 07/13.

Post edited July 13, 2014 by misteryo
Not in but +1 for the giveaway and being awesome,

I am excited for the Remastered Gabriel Knight and I have just recently hear rumbling of a remaster Grim Fandango. I would personally love a remake or remastered Laura Bow The Colonel's Bequest. Or even a murder mystery point and click adventure game with as much atmosphere and exploration.

congrats on 500!!!

The game I'm most looking forward to is The Universim.
I'm in for Wiz 8! Thanks!
I'm actually waiting to see what will happen with Dragon Age Inquisition, just to know what will they do after DA2. I don't like the character designs though...
Other than that, I'm still waiting for Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2 and Numenera.
Not in, but +1 for the great thing you are doing :)
Yay for 500~! Congratulations, and not in this time ^__^
I'm in Tropico 3: Gold Edition.

I'm excited for Hotline Miami 2:Wrong Number.The first one was my favorite game of 2012 and one of my favorites games ever in general.
Not in - but thanks for the giveaway. Congrat's on 500!
I am in for Tropico
Thank you for your generosity and grats on getting to 500.

I am excited about Warmachine Tactics and Wasteland 2
Not in, but thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on half a thousand! :D
I'm in for Tropico 3: Gold Edition (Steam).

Thanks for the giveaway. +1 ;)
I am in for Tropico 3: Gold Edition, thanks.
I am looking forward to Planetary Annihilation and The Witcher 3.
I'm in for WIZARDRY 8 (GOG)

Thx for the giveaway and congrats on your 500! :)
Congrats for the 500 and thanks for GA.

Undead here, so inhuman.
I'm in for javier0889 (assuming that's okay with you, if not then I'm not in). +1 for the giveaway.

As far as games I'm looking forward to, hm...

-Bayonetta 2
-Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
-Pillars of Eternity

That's all I can think of at the moment in terms of "coming soon".