ktchong: Abandonia is basically a piracy website. What Abadonia is doing is very illegal.
There is no such thing as "abondonware". Copyright law does not recognize the term or concept of "abandonware". Abandonia has been able to get away with first-degree piracy because publishers and copyright holders do not bother with old games that they no longer make and (they think) can no longer bring in any money. They have bigger fish to fry as they target piracy websites that are stealing their latest products. However, those publishers and companies still own the copyrights and trademarks to every single one of the games on Abadonia.
Regardless of what you think of piracy, what makes Abandonia unethical is that they are selling advertisement space and asking for "donations" with the copyrighted products they stole.
If you're going to poke your nose into things you don't need to make things up. There is no stealing involved at most this is copyright infringement. And they're able to get away with it because the owners of the copyright are no longer using their rights.
Now, if you have some evidence that they've been receiving DMCA take down notices, or similar, and ignoring them, you'd have a much stronger position.
Yes, abandonware isn't a current legal construct and hasn't been identified by courts, but it is a logical extension of laws governing property found in common law.
And again, they aren't asking for money to provide access to stolen goods, they're asking for money to pay for bandwidth provided.