SirPrimalform: No no, Twilight Princess is set longer after Ocarina of Time than you seem to think. It isn't the same Zelda, the Link and Zelda of Ocarina of Time would have died of old age.
flashback in TP in which Ganon frees himself is not that long after OoT (random guess - maybe 20 years?). Ocarina Zelda is still alive when Ganon was captured (and escaped). Twilight Zelda is her descendent.
Punished_Snake: So the book isn't precise, or it doesn't explain well what happened.
I'm going to be referring to page numbers here (I have a copy of the book myself.)
On page 113, it states that once Link returns to the child era and tells Zelda what is going to happen, Ganondorf is imprisoned before he can start his plan, and many years later, he is scheduled to be executed. The flashback showed what happens during that execution; he was banished to the Twilight Realm.
On page 114, we then learn that in the Twilight Realm, Ganondorf meets Zant and is able to grant him more power, thanks to the Triforce of Power (which he has because Link returned with the Triforce of Courage - so the other two parts had to "follow" and be distributed among the others). Zant is then gradually able to take over the Twilight Realm, but Midna escapes to the Light World and goes into hiding.
The book states that the Light World - where Link and Zelda reside - has been peaceful for hundreds of years, until Zant finally invades the Light World. I'll grant you that it's not completely exact, but the implication seems to be that the events of Ganondorf's execution broke that streak, and that TP takes place hundreds of years after OoT - but even if you ignore that event, the entire process is still described as a very gradual thing, so we're still talking about a significant amount of time; more than enough for a new Link (and several Zeldas) to be born.
Punished_Snake: There are some strange facts too, because some of the lore of Zelda 2 is settled before The Legend of Zelda.
The timeline is : Zelda 2-TLOZ-Zelda 2 again, but I can't understand why (the fact I haven't played Zelda 2 too can be a problem, also :P).
Okay, so basically, the Zelda you rescue in Zelda II has been cursed to be asleep like this for many, many years. The first part of the timeline describes why that happened, that Zelda was placed on an altar in a castle (and protected by magic), and that following this, a law was enacted to name every future princess Zelda. Over time, everyone (except Impa and her descendants) forgets all about this, but the cursed Zelda is still in the temple.
When LoZ starts, a
later Zelda has been kidnapped, and you save her during the events of that game.
Six years later, Link discovers the Triforce appearing on his hand. Impa takes him to the castle and they discover the cursed Zelda (the older one) on the altar, and AoL has you going out to break that curse.