Thanks, I´m in!
Favourite free game?
I could never decide which of those three I do like most:
1. BattleForWesnoth: Simply filling SO many hours of my life. Campaigns featuring great told stories, a multiplayer that is perfect for parties and well, just ultra-cool ;)
2. T2002---a fan game of Turrican. Never played any turrican before T2002, but it was really gorgeous!
3. Hurrican---guess what? A turrican Fan-game. Definitivly awesome, plays like Turrican in an advanced, more polished and less unfair, but is still a major challenge! Art and Level-Design match real professional work and well:
I´d say if it would have the offical license & widescreen support, it could sell very well here at 10$ pricepoint!
ShadowFlare: I´ve never played a freeWare game so long (and multiple times) while knowing "I don´t like it"
I mean, HELL, could there ever be a Iso-Hack & Slay WITHOUT a working skill system that is actually really GOOD?!
(I think the most recent Diablo got the same problem)