jamyskis: It's a decent idea, especially for those people who've already played the games and are looking for something else to do with them (there's only so many times you can tackle the same puzzles with the same solutions), but you may find some resistance among the ScummVM team. Their April Fool's joke was actually the implementation of achievements and a somewhat mocking tone about the achievement culture. They're somewhat purist about the whole thing.
Also, if you're looking to implement an achievement system, you may want to consider an API so that publishers releasing on Steam or GOG Galaxy (or maybe even consoles) can link the prospective ScummVM achievement system with that of an external achievement system. Just putting that out there.
Also: PoC video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGDRNyC4eqM Thanks, I have posted the video on the ScummVM forums - and I do understand if some might take a more purist look. They recently changed their approach on support for games bought through Steam. I guess the April Fool's joke where a couple of manipulated images, that actually showed what I had wanted in ScummVM 3-4 years back - but then due to lack of time I only contributed to the ScummVM project as a translator - my C writing skills being very rusty :-)
The example I did is "just" a external launcher that then hooks into the ScummVM process to look for when "things" happens. So it is nothing like an API or messing with the original game data - but other "launcher" like Steam/GOG could add the code/method and use the "Achievement" data - which is the hard part.
I will do a blog post later this week/next week that has the technicals behind the example. But I would like to hear people opinions about this.
I think that by adding the option for Achievement in some of the oldest games like the AGI/SCI games, you might actually enjoy playing them more - with the old "familiar" story - but getting reward for doing the extra things that didn't earn you any point in the original.