Posted December 20, 2009

Once you hit 18, you're allowed to see ANYTHING there is and freedom of speech assures that art can depict EVERYTHING, no matter how twisted it may be.
The only ways to argue would be to suggest setting the FINAL bar even higher... or to say that not everything can be depicted in art (in this case - in video games)...
never said it was logical.
But, for example, Mr Atkinson has frequently used the example of Rapelay (japanese hentai game about rape) as the kind of game he's trying to fight against. (though it has never been released outside japan).
People have claimed "that's not true, and 18 certificate wouldn't allow games based on rape".
But now he can say "well look, the ratings board allows games where you can pop out eyeballs for 15 year olds, imagine the filth they'll allow for 18 year olds!!! shock horror!"