OK, here's the order random.org chose you and what you may or may not have won:
01) Falci => gets WB bundle!
02) SlyFox => gets nothing!
03) Couchtr26 => gets Waking Mars!
04) kkreo => gets Alan Wake Bundle!
05) morciu => gets nothing!
06) deryni => gets nothing!
07) MadalinStroe => gets nothing!
08) mabrookes => gets nothing!
09) briareoushex => gets nothing!
10) MorphysLaw => gets nothing!
11) Prydeless => gets nothing!
12) theslitherydeee => gets nothing!
13) TDP => gets nothing!
14) GastonArg => gets The Witcher!
15) sharp299 => gets nothing!
16) robb5 => gets nothing!
17) Pawun => gets nothing!
18) Aniki WB => gets nothing!
19) Aveweto => gets nothing!
20) Patejl => gets nothing!
21) IndicaHybrid => gets nothing!
22) maggotheart => gets nothing!
23) SpooferJahk => gets nothing!
24) InkPanther => gets nothing!
25) shimmy098 => gets nothing!
26) bowzerton => gets nothing!
27) Nigioh => gets nothing!
Well, let's do our best to make 2014 a great year, people.
Hope you enjoy your gifts if you won!
And wish you better luck next time if you didn't...
Post edited January 08, 2014 by Tychoxi