Landeril: Pfft. you didn't give me BG 1 :P
xyem: I know the circumstances under which you did get it and asking if there are generous people on the site and saying you are unlucky after that is pretty disrespectful to the person who did give it you.
And come on, there are multiple give-aways and community competitions
per page in General Discussion. That should clue you in right there that there are :P
Landeril: Unless you are saying you don't like me and thats why I don't win. :o is that it?!
xyem: No, if anything, it would mean my server doesn't like you, because that is where the winners are randomly chosen :P While my initial opinion of you isn't great, it is far too early for me to make a solid opinion of you. You're new after all :)
Besides, there is no blacklist functionality in the give-away code and I'd rather not have to add any :P
This was more of a joke topic in all actuality :P I didn't mean anything by it.
I know it. Your server hates me :o Kidding kidding <_< I hope I win this time.