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I was just curious what genres that you just don't like in games. While I consider myself a well rounded gamer there are some games that I have tried and I just couldn't get into or games that I know I won't like.

Fighting games:
Yeah I really tried to like these games but I just couldn't for a few reasons. First of all if you don't have anyone to play with it gets old pretty quickly. Secondly the movesets, in order to pull of moves you need to do these button combinations like down, down forward, forward punch is Ryu's Hadouken from Street Fighter 2. The problem was that for me at least these moves seemed to work when they wanted to. Then you get into other problems like special controllers(arcade sticks) and balance and well that's fighting games for you and why I don't like them.

Beat em ups:
Kind of the same problem with fighting games which would be the Multiplayer. playing these games solo feels like your missing part of the game, but I know these games are fun with someone else. I remember a few months back my brother and I played TMNT IV: Turtles In Time and while we didn't beat the game we were close and it was fun.

Sierra's "Quest" games:
Now I like Point and Click adventure games I just don't think I would like these Point and Click adventure games. The reason is because of the games difficult puzzles and deaths. From what I heard, None of the puzzles make much sense, some of the times you can't get stuck making you restart the game and the deaths that happen because you did or did not do something earlier? really? Now i know that they did that to make the game longer because without the games would be a lot shorter or whatever. To me that is not an excuse, that just makes it worse no game should make itself stupid hard to make the game longer. I respect what the Quest games did for Point and Click adventures but, I just couldn't play them now. at the very least I could watch a let's play of them done by some guy that has played the game so much he could play it blindfolded...maybe.

So that's my answer. How about you guys, what genres do you not like and why.
"fake" RPGs that consist of killing mobs in one location until you're strong enough to kill mobs on a different location. Never saw the appeal.
1) Driving sims. Vroom. Vroom. Okay, yes, vroom I got it.

2) Platformers. Oh look that one is awesome because the tiles are pink while they were green in all the previous games. And you collect stars instead of collecting gems. And what a splendid layout, we had never seen this comfiguration before, with, like, that tile being here, and, the star being thee, so, you have to jump, like, over there, and synchronise you jump with the moving platform here. BRILLIANT.

3) Economy games. Woot, +2% money. Cool. a virtual bill. This is almost as fun as real life taxes !

But each one of these loathed genre can be redeemed by a fun gimmick. Like pedestrians hunt, time travel, sticky walls, gangsterism and corruption, etc... So, despite of the boring core mechanisms (and my dislike for bare-bone classics), there are always a couple of exemples that I find fantastic...
Not really. I am sure there are some games in every genre that I will like.
Telika: But each one of these loathed genre can be redeemed by a fun gimmick. Like pedestrians hunt, time travel, sticky walls, gangsterism and corruption, etc... So, despite of the boring core mechanisms (and my dislike for bare-bone classics), there are always a couple of exemples that I find fantastic...
A good enough story can redeem them too, if you ask me.
Telika: But each one of these loathed genre can be redeemed by a fun gimmick. Like pedestrians hunt, time travel, sticky walls, gangsterism and corruption, etc... So, despite of the boring core mechanisms (and my dislike for bare-bone classics), there are always a couple of exemples that I find fantastic...
P1na: A good enough story can redeem them too, if you ask me.
Maybe, but good stories are less frequent than good gimmicks, in videogames (especially in these genres).
Post edited December 05, 2013 by Telika
I basically don't like games that focuses on its story alone. I mean those games that are just pure narratives. Some and not all visual novels and narrative games like Dear Esther, I guess. It can be very boring to play games with very limited options.
Anything "realistic" is a good way to drive me away. Whether it is a sport sim, a racing sim, a realistic fps (and not of the Call of Duty variety).

I also don't like the vast majority of adventure games. Oh, and while I love platformers, I become extremely suspicious whenever puzzle-platformer is mentioned. And whenever a platformer ends up being nothing more than a series of obstacle courses.
Pretty much any RTS, simply because I suck at them :p I just cannot think/react fast enough to be able to control that much stuff at once. It's what puts me off buying stuff like Divinity: Dragon Commander even though the game itself looks awesome.
deshadow52: snip
Curious. I always considered 1on1 fighting games Beat 'em Ups and the ones where you traverse levels and beat up groups of people Brawlers. I dislike the former, I enjoy the latter.

And as for adventures: I generally dislike the genre. I used to play them a lot in the 90's but that was because they provided stuff that other games just didn't - namely interesting or fun stories and interesting or fun situations and characters. But that came at the cost of a kind of gameplay that I don't like at all - the kind of gameplay that forces the protagonist into absurd and unbelievable situations and that provides challenges which lack any logic or consistency and have nothing to do with the plot (or the protagonist's profession/goal/motivation). Plus, I can't really consider something a good game when *all* challenges work only once and can basically be skipped by looking up a text.

Which doesn't mean that I don't understand people who enjoy adventure games, it's just not my understanding of a good game or good entertainment - with very few exceptions. But I have yet to see a single point & click adventure which consistently provides genuinely good puzzles and where they don't ever hurt the plot.
I could never get into fighting games - 1-1 fights, beat'em ups, anything that's based on fighting...
Sports games (including racing) are just not my cup of tea.
Hidden obiect games - like 'find 6 fishes floating in the air to magically unlock temple's door'. Pixelhunting was a plague of adventure games, and now someone came up with the idea of making it into a genre.
I know there are many decent ones like bioshock / SS2 etc

I find very dizzy to play after a while and confuse in direction. Additionally, when you turn back, left become right and right become left.
Post edited December 05, 2013 by Muttala
Racing games (though I did like Hi-Octane by Bullfrog) and (non-combat) flight sims
A lot of the time I can at least a couple games I end up liking in any genre, but the ones I like least:

Sports games. I'm not a sports person, so they have little interest for me. My favorite game based on a mainstream sport was either NBA Jam or Mike Tyson's Punch Out. I do like classic wrestling games with occasional modern ones.

Economic management simulators. I get enough of this stuff every year sorting out my taxes, thanks. Though elements of that in a bigger overall game I'm usually OK with. Like the Sim City series.

Dancing games. I'm not going to be doing well in these anyways, so no interest.
Sports, pretty much the only genre I really can't get into. I guess it's easier than getting a group of people together and doing it yourself, but I just can't really enjoy trying to figure the games out.