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In for Omikron The Nomad Soul

In Short I just think all generations of gaming have their masterpieces, but the only thing I miss from the past is when everything was simple. People wanted a game to have fun. The last generation to have that was the PS2/GC/CXbox days before the internet was really all over the place.
Im in for Cold War and well done for the fourth star boss! :)
Not in but thanks for the giveaway!
Have another drink. A fifth star will surely appear. Somewhere in the upper right corner of your vision.
Well done benderz! congratulations!

I'd like to be in for the GTA set (never tried any of those)

As far as the discussion though, I have some old games I just LOVE and some new games I just LOVE as well.

I do like pretty graphics (especially in a 1st person) but there are games I have hundreds of (Recent) hours on that have what can only be called very dated graphics (MOO2, MoM)
I guess it's more to do with what "grabs" you for me. A great game doesn't require a particular set of graphics or frame rate or being new... but conversely, new titles can be great as well.
Cyberevil: Well done benderz! congratulations!

I'd like to be in for the GTA set (never tried any of those)

As far as the discussion though, I have some old games I just LOVE and some new games I just LOVE as well.

I do like pretty graphics (especially in a 1st person) but there are games I have hundreds of (Recent) hours on that have what can only be called very dated graphics (MOO2, MoM)
I guess it's more to do with what "grabs" you for me. A great game doesn't require a particular set of graphics or frame rate or being new... but conversely, new titles can be great as well.
Congratulations on the fourth star and I'd like to be in for Cyberevil if that's allowed!

As for nostalgia...a lot of old games I love I can still play but I yearn for the feeling I used to get when booting up Warcraft 2. It was probably the first pc game I obsessed over as a kid and will always hold a special place in my heart.

There are dozens of modern titles I love to play and continue to look forward to more gaming goodness.
I'm in for the GOG code, congrats on your rep, and thanks for the giveaway.

As a child of the new millennium (born in the late 90's to be exact) who grew up on gaming magazines, I was always interested in the 80's and 90's of gaming, and it wasn't until I discovered this site and how to use emulators that I was really ever able to satisfy that curiosity. If I have nostalgia for any generation, it's the Gamecube/Xbox/PS2 era, but even then, I didn't play most of those games until I realized how worthless the Wii was. Really, I like to think that I am unbiased by nostalgia, and can enjoy a game based on whether or not it is actually good rather than because I grew up with it. In regards to this site, having this perspective allows me to say the original Fallouts and Deus Ex and the Roller Coaster Tycoon series are awesome while being able to acknowledge that Crusader: No Remorse has unforgivably bad controls or that the sierra adventure games (which do kind of love, in a strange, strange way) seem to have a remorseless hatred for their players.
Post edited August 16, 2014 by DrOblivious
Congratulations benderz: you deserve your stars.
Thanks for the giveaway too. Not in, though.

I usually don't care about games' release date, provided I like them. I surely don't look forward every news, loosing my sleep to them. Instead I am more a nostalgia-driven gamer, even if I am not obsessed about older games.
Congratulations !

I'm in for the GOG code.
Not in, but congrats on your miletone. :)
Not in but way to go benderz...keep smiling!
Congrats on getting your 4 stars (1K rep)!

I'm in for GTA Trilogy!

Btw classic GTAs remember me the times when games really deserved the price you paid for it, they had a good duration, were a lot replayable, funny and best of it, they don't needed to rely in online modes.

I can't say the same about most modern games really, too much of them are made as disposable things.
Post edited August 18, 2014 by enigmaxg2
I'd like to be in for GTA, thanks!

As far as nostalgia goes, I wouldn't be here if I didn't have an appreciation for the good old games, but I look forward in hope as well. More and more I'm seeing things that make me sad (DRM, pay-to-win games, game-stripping in favour of DLC, absurd focus on graphics vs everything else), but I'm of the belief that things eventually right themselves, so I'm hopeful. I'm certainly not a new-game fanatic. I'm willing to wait months (and even years) to get a game, I'd probably never get anything on release day.
Congrats! And I am not in. Too many games unfinished to justify buying another game.
Congrats on gaining another level, benderz!

Not in, but thanks for being such a positive force in this community!