deryni: I've learned over the years that for the most part I do better if I play one game until I'm done with it instead of being in the middle of a number of different games.
If I stop playing for any real length of time I often find myself without the desire to go pick it back up again. It isn't that I didn't enjoy playing the game or that I don't think I will enjoy playing it again there is just enough resistance to my "starting again" so as to often keep me from picking it up again.
I can keep multiple games going if I'm rotating between them with sufficient frequency but that takes some planning and dedication that I often don't have.
At the moment I'm playing Trine and I have been fighting the inclination to get involved in some other single player game as well. Though I am also working on starting to play Frozen Synapse with some friends of mine but I believe that will not have the same issues due to its turn-based nature and the length of time it requires being paid attention to in one sitting.
But what about you all? How do you play? If you play more than one game at a time does genre matter? Are you better within the same genre or do you stick to one per genre at a time?
Bonus Question: If you read books does your reading style match your playing style or not? Mine does but for different reasons.
Back when I had a choice in the matter, I always used to prefer to focus on one game and finish that one, then move on to the next game, etc., especially if they were RPGs, which is my favorite genre.