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post removed! heheh!
Post edited December 16, 2013 by Sachys
Don't go to Australia, it's..well...full of Australians, though in all fairness New Zealand is doing it's best to rectify the problem by covertly taking over in the form of sending New Zealanders over a few at a time.

Anyhoo, I have no idea what it takes immigrate to New Zealand but you can take a gander at the immigration website here
Thistler: Racist people are everywhere. But not everyone is Racist in Australia.

All the points have pretty much been covered already so I don't have much to add.
Sachys: Thats almost what an australian co-worker of mine once said -except his words were "not everyone is australian in racism" - regarding his own ethnic background. changed my world a bit that as it can be applied to any country!
I have lived all over Australia and I find that some area's are worse then others. Some towns/cities have more immigrants then Australian born.
qux: Don't go to Australia, it's..well...full of Australians, though in all fairness New Zealand is doing it's best to rectify the problem by covertly taking over in the form of sending New Zealanders over a few at a time.

Anyhoo, I have no idea what it takes immigrate to New Zealand but you can take a gander at the immigration website here
Well Sydney is New Zealands 6th largest city. :P
Post edited December 16, 2013 by Thistler
fr33kSh0w2012: You Got Mine and Buckley's chance getting into Australia also don't come here there are too many racists!
I'm not racist... how dare you accuse me of that!
I hate everybody equally!!
fr33kSh0w2012: You Got Mine and Buckley's chance getting into Australia also don't come here there are too many racists!
Bigs: I'm not racist... how dare you accuse me of that!
I hate everybody equally!!
Except GOGbears!
Bigs: I'm not racist... how dare you accuse me of that!
I hate everybody equally!!
Sachys: Except GOGbears!
Yes that!
fr33kSh0w2012: You Got Mine and Buckley's chance getting into Australia also don't come here there are too many racists!
Bigs: I'm not racist... how dare you accuse me of that!
I hate everybody equally!!
Post edited December 16, 2013 by fr33kSh0w2012
emwearz: ^ I think it is more to do with wanting to be and English Teacher when it is not your native language, Might get into the Country (work Visa at least) but struggle finding work.
cjrgreen: I don't wish to judge the OP on his English skills, much less make the generalization that it's not practical for a non-native to teach English effectively or find work teaching English. Let him decide whether his English is up to the task; potential employers and the immigration authorities can speak for themselves.
A lot of firms outright won't hire somebody that isn't from one of the listed countries. Which is quite frankly stupid, I have a friend from Germany whose English is almost indistinguishable from a native American's English and she can't get work teaching English at a lot of schools. Every once in a long while she'll slip up and say she drives her bike or similar, but otherwise, you'd never know she's not American.

I've got mixed feelings about it, but a lot of the schools outright won't accept applications from somebody that doesn't have a passport from an English speaking nation regardless of the level of English. And the ones that will are likely to not pay as well and likely have lesser working conditions.
Given the current political climate forget moving here. Your only chance is a working visa and hope you get a job once you get here. This is an expensive risk, if you take it I hope it pays off for you.

You are highly unlikely to be able to work in schools here without local qualifications of some sort (I'm not an expert, so this may not be correct). Given this you would be limited to tutoring or (more likely) some other job entirely.

Much of the coutry is in recession currently, so there aren't a lot of jobs to be had. If you were really serious, do your research and find an area in regional WA/NT/QLD which has mining jobs going (though even this is slowing down).
Yeah, those blokes could use a good breeze blower over the barbie. Give it a burl with a B&S and you'll be ace. :)
fr33kSh0w2012: You Got Mine and Buckley's chance getting into Australia also don't come here there are too many racists!
99% of Bosnia's population are white people, I do not have to be afraid of any racist, but I should, however, be afraid of xenophobes, and I am ready to face that.

And thanks to everyone for you responses. This was helpful. I prefer to hear what natives of these countries think than what people who immigrated there think.
Hej, susjed i kolega po struci još k tome! :)

Does it have to be either Au or NZ? A lot of people I know have emigrated to Canada, and are quite happy there. A word of warning though, Bachelors in English is not really in high demand, especially not in English-speaking countries, while other places (like Asia, where there's a great market for teaching) prefer to import native speakers. Your best bet is to look for a job that doesn't require any special qualifications, sadly.

Can't you make a nice living being a teacher and/or translator in B&H?
Charon121: Hej, susjed i kolega po struci još k tome! :)

Does it have to be either Au or NZ? A lot of people I know have emigrated to Canada, and are quite happy there.
Yep from what ive heard its helluva lot easier to get into Canada (more relaxed immigration laws supposedly) than US/UK/Australia
A working holiday visa is a one way to come here but I don't believe Bosnia is eligible.
Another is being sponsored by either a state or potential employer. You need tough have qualifications which are needed by the country. IT, finance, engineers... country needs them desperately.
My way was through university. I was a student here, done finance which made me eligible for permanent residency visa. the whole process took some time and costs a lot (school fees, visa costs were just a small kick in the balls in comparison)
there are agency's who do specialize in sending people here. Find one which has an office in your country. they can tell you exactly what are your possibilities.

Go to Asia man. as an english teacher its possible for you to a)travel b)make some really nice money c)open yourself to possibilities.
I get where the original poster is coming from because our homelands are neigbouring countries and we have a similar history. There have been a few waves of emigration from Croatia, most notably in the early 20th century due to some plant diseases that devastated the agriculture, and from mid-1960s onwards for political reasons. Short-term emigrants preferred to work in Austria and Germany, while others went to Canada and Australia. That's why the latter two countries are still perceived by some as "promised lands" where you can find a job easily in much better conditions than those you left at home.

But times have changed. Most countries no longer need unskilled workes because the construction/real estate boom is over, and highly skilled workers can find a job as easily in their own country as anywhere else in the world. Yet I still see people emigrating even before they find a job or a stable place of residence. They figure it'll all take care of itself on the fly. Most of them now work as waiters or postal workers or manual labourers, but at least they've got a job.