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Hope it turns out great. The screenshots look nice, and TBS like Battle Isle is pretty cool. Book of Unwritten Tales was awesome...
BW:Kronos has reached its funding goal! To celebrate, KING Art have released a teaser trailer.
Update no.4 is up:
A brand new (short,yet informative) video has been posted, explaining some of the core gameplay mechanics. More to come!
Phaidox: A brand new (short,yet informative) video has been posted, explaining some of the core gameplay mechanics. More to come!
I really like what I've seen thus far. I haven't backed this yet, but I most likely will before long. Love the music featured in that video.
About the stretch goals, I assume the 170K$ goal will be achieved (which is great, more campaign, more languages), but not the 250K$ goal with the (in my eyes) unneccessary mobile plattform versions.

The game control looks fluent, I like that.
ZivilSword: About the stretch goals, I assume the 170K$ goal will be achieved (which is great, more campaign, more languages), but not the 250K$ goal with the (in my eyes) unneccessary mobile plattform versions.
Agreed, I can't imagine the campaign reaching its $360k tier goal at this rate - which is a crying shame, because the "Conquer the planet" mode sounds brilliant and would undoubtedly extend the replay value immensely.
Hm, they’ll offer a DLC some months later :-p
ZivilSword: About the stretch goals, I assume the 170K$ goal will be achieved (which is great, more campaign, more languages), but not the 250K$ goal with the (in my eyes) unneccessary mobile plattform versions.
Phaidox: Agreed, I can't imagine the campaign reaching its $360k tier goal at this rate - which is a crying shame, because the "Conquer the planet" mode sounds brilliant and would undoubtedly extend the replay value immensely.
I agree. But maybe there'll be a mod or DLC down the line if there's enough demand.

Personally, I think that while their project is good, and I had no qualms about pledging to it, their stretch goals could really use some improvement. There should be more stretch goals at closer tiers, because from 170k to 250k is a huge gap.
I'd really want them to do a 200k stretch goal with gameplay stuff like the "conquer the planet" mode or additional race.
Anyone interested in the squadleader kit? We could divide it by four.
Perscienter: Anyone interested in the squadleader kit? We could divide it by four.
Me! Me! *waves with both hands*

But I find the conversion ratio strange: You would pay 65$, which are 50,60€, but the payment store wants 55,75€. In my eyes it’s cheaper for us paying in Dollar (therefore double conversion from Euro to Dollar to Euro). I asked KING Art in their forum what’s the point and if a bank transfer is possible. I’m curious about the answer. Maybe paying in Dollar via PayPal is still the best method (though it’s strange).

(There is also a possibility of paying with my VISA on Kickstarter, but I don’t trust them.)
Update no.5:

This game's looking more promising by the minute... It's such a shame the campaign seems to have come to a grinding halt.
As far as I read, most Kickstarter compaigns get a thrid to half the money in the first week. Then all interested people have heard of and already spend. It's not surprising. To the end (last 3-5 days) there will be a raise in contributions because of e-mails sent by Kickstarter to all previous contributors. If a goal is in possible reach, there will be another flow. I think the 170K $ will be reached, and that's quite enough. :)

Also KING Art seems to be busy because no one can or will answer my money question. But I'm still interested in the 65$ offer for four people. (Maybe paying in Dollar via PayPal – I will not use my credit card at American companies.)

Phaidox, did you manage to get one or to other people interested? Still three weeks of time …
ZivilSword: Phaidox, did you manage to get one or to other people interested? Still three weeks of time …
I'm spreading the word on Kronos and Divinity whenever I can. Unfortunately, forum posts tend to get buried pretty quickly... Proper media exposure would help these campaigns a lot.
With Kickstarter and PayPal pledges combined, they've officially reached their first stretch goal ($170k).
Congratulations, KING Art!
Not sure if anyone saw this

"Creator KING Art Games 2 days ago

@Nigel: Yes, we're talking to GoG right now. We'll try to bring the game to all major platforms."

when i asked them whether it was coming to GOG. Encouraging :)