Mephe: True, but you can get blowouts in SoC with mods like AMK, and I think there's a version of atmosfear for SoC too.
Either way though, both games are great, particularly in the atmosphere department. Not sure about Clear Sky though, I didn't play that one much.
CoP was designed with blowouts in mind though. Some of the most popular mods for SoC make massive gameplay changes that unbalance the hell out of the game. So generally I just stuck with Complete and a weapon balancing mod that made things more lethal all round.
But mods like Complete (which includes atmosfear) for CoP are mostly aesthetic, with gameplay adjusting things being optional. This makes for a much better playing experience as you know everything's been taken into account and it's not just a case of a lot of features being re-enabled which were taken out for a reason.
Don't get me wrong, I've got a lot of love for the first game, but CoP pretty much eclipses it right out of the box with modding being purely an optional extra which just adds a bit more sheen.