Ralackk: It was created by Rebel Act Studios, I believe this is the only game they have ever made and I don't think they are about anymore. It was published by Codemasters though so there is hope for it.
I really liked the game myself I never got that far on it because I remember getting stuck against some hard ass skeleton in a tomb and was completely unable to beat him. I still have my discs about but if It came on GOG I would definatly pick it up again just for ease of use that GOG provides.
I remember that damn skeleton. It was a boss skeleton, I think it was a different color than the other regular enemy skeletons. I agree with you, that sucker was a whore and half to kill. I beat him eventually, but it took me lots of reloads, lol. The game only got harder and harder from that point on as well. I didn't know that the company that made it doesn't exist anymore or that Codemasters was only the publisher. Heres to hoping that Codemasters owns the rights to it though, maybe it will show up here someday. Hey, a man can dream right? :)