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Has anyone beaten the game by now, if so then how is the story in Borderlands 2?

Is it more interesting and engaging?
Started playing yesterday with Zero char (yeah i know seems this one sucks the it a challenge).Anyways, am i right in saying there is less gore in this game?. Up to chapter 4 and cant for the life of me remember if any mob i had killed had bits blown off when killed like in the first game?. Also... anyone have idea how many chapters there are in this game?
Oh and the game is definitely harder than number 1
Post edited September 22, 2012 by nijuu
roninnogitsune: Axton the Commando is an easier class to play. The Gunzerker is very gear dependent and late blooming but Axton's a fairly easy class and his turret is powerful as well you can be more conservative.
WTF: Yeah, he is gun dependent. But gunzerking is awesome. I'm now level 16 and will pick skill reducing gunzerk cooldown. Gonna kick ass more often now. Maybe next time I'll try the commando, but I'm sticking with one character and playing through the whole game with him.
After getting an Orange Fire pistol I had a much easier time, then I got the red one off that one boss, and the Orange Grenades off Boom Bewm. Gunzerker is much easier now, but I can see playing a bit of the beginning again that a lot of it was me just learning the rules of the game... Also, I got horrid beginning drops on my Gunzerker.
Playing Maya the Siren, not sure if I prefer Phaselock or Phaseshift, Phaselock feels more practical but Phaseshift gets you away fast. Anyway, playing BL2 with TL2, currently at level 11 and I feel the game is alot better than Borderlands 1, city hub feels more alive for one, dialogue is funny and the game world doesn't feel empty like in BL1.
Played yesterday evening and this afternoon coop with my brother, we reached lvl 14 so far (me as a siren, my bro as a commando).

For the record, we played a LOT the first opus (no pvp, only multi). My opinion on the game so far :

- Difficulty : very well scaled (no 'unvoluntary rocket levelling' as in BL1 => so fights don't get supa izy past the first zone)
- Rocket launcher and grenades greatly rebalanced imho. You don't forget your first rocket ... mostly because you can revive .
- Skill trees seem more meaningfull than before (i got the impression there are more choices/differencies in the builds)
- Guns have more flavor depending on the constructor, TEDIORE guns are just very fun to play - not 'practical' but that's the fun.
- Dialogues are quite hilarious, even if I find Jack H. less interesting than side characters (despite his 'ride').

In a nutshell, I was somewhat disappointed by BL1 (I know, spending hundred+ hours on a game is not a proof of disappointment, but I felt like ... something(s) was missing) ... but so far I greatly enjoyed BL2, it feels very well polished.

I hope the quality of the game stays the same until the end, but great multiplayer experience so far.
cw8: Playing Maya the Siren, not sure if I prefer Phaselock or Phaseshift, Phaselock feels more practical but Phaseshift gets you away fast. Anyway, playing BL2 with TL2, currently at level 11 and I feel the game is alot better than Borderlands 1, city hub feels more alive for one, dialogue is funny and the game world doesn't feel empty like in BL1.
The bonuses you can stack onto phaselock are so crazy, dunno, you can heal, you can increase damage... well, you've seen the tree. I guess I'm not high enough level to need to run away yet. You either can kill what you got into a scrap with, or you're paying to resurrect:)
Post edited September 22, 2012 by orcishgamer
Post edited September 23, 2012 by nijuu
I've been playing as Maya with almost equal time in solo and co-op. The game is definitely more difficult than the first, especially up to about level 12 or 13 (it could also be that I just hadn't figured out a build to match my playstyle up until that point-- I had to respec once or twice). One thing that I had to keep in mind was that Maya is not Lilith-- I'd gotten really used to phasewalking into and out of nasty situations, apparently. That method doesn't work so well with Maya, obviously. :P

On another note, Maya with the Converge skill plus Axton with the rocket turret skill is great at wreaking havoc on large groups of things. FIRE AND SMOKE EVERYWHERE.

Also, (possible minor detail spoiler) the slot machines are really fun. And mildly addictive.
My main gripe with the first game was that it was too loot-centric. The entire game-play seemed to be revolving around loot. Even the main plot was based on it (find the fabled Vault, which is supposedly full of mysterious loot). Every enemy dropped some kind of a gun, and exchanging your current gun for a new one with a 0.3 second faster reload became boring soon. I'd rather wait two hours for a really powerful piece than get a 5% better one every five minutes. Getting new equipment causes a dopamine rush, as one reviewer described it, but in this case it was over-stimulation and I soon became desensitized to new loot. And collecting truckloads of equipment and selling it to the vending machines was also tedious. As was searching every trash heap for a bit of cash (the developers just know gamers can't resist that, but it detracts from the game itself).

Do enemies respawn as aggressively in B2 as they did in B1? I like some enemies to stay dead, and game forcing me to kill the same ones in the same locations over and over again just made me use quicktravel whenever I could. I know you should never run out of critters to kill in a game like this, but I want to feel as my murderous actions have some sort of an impact on the game world.
Charon121: My main gripe with the first game was that it was too loot-centric. The entire game-play seemed to be revolving around loot. Even the main plot was based on it (find the fabled Vault, which is supposedly full of mysterious loot). Every enemy dropped some kind of a gun, and exchanging your current gun for a new one with a 0.3 second faster reload became boring soon. I'd rather wait two hours for a really powerful piece than get a 5% better one every five minutes. Getting new equipment causes a dopamine rush, as one reviewer described it, but in this case it was over-stimulation and I soon became desensitized to new loot. And collecting truckloads of equipment and selling it to the vending machines was also tedious. As was searching every trash heap for a bit of cash (the developers just know gamers can't resist that, but it detracts from the game itself).

Do enemies respawn as aggressively in B2 as they did in B1? I like some enemies to stay dead, and game forcing me to kill the same ones in the same locations over and over again just made me use quicktravel whenever I could. I know you should never run out of critters to kill in a game like this, but I want to feel as my murderous actions have some sort of an impact on the game world.
You won't like BL2 as it's very similar to BL1 and you probably won't like any other action-rpg/diabloesque game.
Etdn: You won't like BL2 as it's very similar to BL1 and you probably won't like any other action-rpg/diabloesque game.
Nonetheless, I had much fun playing the game for about 30 hours. Still, I feel I would've enjoyed it much more if the developers had reduced some of those annoying features. And yes, that's why I never bought Diablo 3 and similar games.
Im struggling to like bl2. I dunno why i just find it a bit bland. I am only lvl 9 though
Charon121: My main gripe with the first game was that it was too loot-centric. The entire game-play seemed to be revolving around loot. Even the main plot was based on it (find the fabled Vault, which is supposedly full of mysterious loot). Every enemy dropped some kind of a gun, and exchanging your current gun for a new one with a 0.3 second faster reload became boring soon. I'd rather wait two hours for a really powerful piece than get a 5% better one every five minutes. Getting new equipment causes a dopamine rush, as one reviewer described it, but in this case it was over-stimulation and I soon became desensitized to new loot. And collecting truckloads of equipment and selling it to the vending machines was also tedious. As was searching every trash heap for a bit of cash (the developers just know gamers can't resist that, but it detracts from the game itself).

Do enemies respawn as aggressively in B2 as they did in B1? I like some enemies to stay dead, and game forcing me to kill the same ones in the same locations over and over again just made me use quicktravel whenever I could. I know you should never run out of critters to kill in a game like this, but I want to feel as my murderous actions have some sort of an impact on the game world.
In response to your question, the respawn is very close as in the first one, maybe a little tuned down (as in you have to wait a little longer for critters to apear again). And I don't think you can kill anything permanently.
Charon121: My main gripe with the first game was that it was too loot-centric. The entire game-play seemed to be revolving around loot. Even the main plot was based on it (find the fabled Vault, which is supposedly full of mysterious loot). Every enemy dropped some kind of a gun, and exchanging your current gun for a new one with a 0.3 second faster reload became boring soon. I'd rather wait two hours for a really powerful piece than get a 5% better one every five minutes. Getting new equipment causes a dopamine rush, as one reviewer described it, but in this case it was over-stimulation and I soon became desensitized to new loot. And collecting truckloads of equipment and selling it to the vending machines was also tedious. As was searching every trash heap for a bit of cash (the developers just know gamers can't resist that, but it detracts from the game itself).

Do enemies respawn as aggressively in B2 as they did in B1? I like some enemies to stay dead, and game forcing me to kill the same ones in the same locations over and over again just made me use quicktravel whenever I could. I know you should never run out of critters to kill in a game like this, but I want to feel as my murderous actions have some sort of an impact on the game world.
WTF: In response to your question, the respawn is very close as in the first one, maybe a little tuned down (as in you have to wait a little longer for critters to apear again). And I don't think you can kill anything permanently.
There's one thing but it would be a major spoiler to tell.
A new key appeared on GamersGate for Borderlands 2. Now, when I try to register the new key on Steam (I thought it was a bonus DLC) it says I already have this product. Anyone has any info about it what it can be? GG might gave an other Borderlands 2 key for no reason?