GameRager: Then why make or buy it?
kodeen: Because they can, because the Windows group needs to keep busy. Remember, this is the company who brought you MS Bob, Windows ME, the Kin, PlaysForSure, and Clippy. Not meaning to bash MS (in fact I'm also of the opinion that 7 is good enough to not need to dual boot into Linux), but let's not pretend that this is a company above silliness.
Lol @ Clippy, and i'm glad I never tried ME....though i've heard some terrible terrible things. 0.o
Also wtf is MS Bob and PlayforSure?
Oh and what I meant is usually they like to integrate stuff people need to do their day to day or need to play the latest titles in their newer OSs....if this one is similar to Win7 then what's gonna make people cough up for upgrades en masse?