Aliasalpha: It DOES show progress as far as re-releasing their old titles goes. The fact they modded them for modern systems is also a good step, the only real catch now is the platform they're selling on
Exactly. They are realizing that there is real money in the fact that people love their old games, and are willing to pay to have versions that work on modern computers. As they expand beyond their first Steam release, they will take a look at the reception and see if there is a way they can increase their sales. They will see that there are multiple venues to distribute their classics, and they will take some interest in GOG, a company that is known and respected by the gaming community for the way they treat the classics they distribute. Another thing they might consider is having the GOG team make the games compatible on modern systems, reducing the work LucasArts has to do themselves while saving them money. I see it as a financially smart decision, and one that I'm sure the team at GOG is either has pitched, will pitch, or is in the process of pitching, to LucasArts.