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high rated
Christmas is coming soon, and my birthday will be just 4 days after. I'm gonna be 23, and already feeling old... Anyway, to celebrate this great excuse to drink non-stop for several weeks, I'm holding a giveaway of my favorite games from GOG this year ! I will be giving away one copy of each of the 5 best new games I've found on GOG over the course of this year . They are :

-Hotline Miami
-Lone Survivor
-King of Dragon Pass*
-Eador: Genesis
-FTL - Faster Than Light

Depending on my funds, I may or may not gift one or more of the participants copies of Sacrifice, so say if you have it or not.


1. You may enter for all games, but can only win 1 .
2. Say whether you have Sacrifice or not.
3. If you're in, say you're in. If you're not in, say "tinyE only has one ball HA HA HA " .
4. No rep or join date requirements .

Draw will be on Christmas Eve. That's the 24th of December, for all you heathens out there ;)

*I know the game was made in 1999, but I didn't know about it until this year.
nice GA and tinyE only has one ball HA HA HA
Reading the list I was little sad not seeing Sacrifice on it, and then bam! It is there after all.
I don't have Sacrifice and would like to fill that unfortunate crater in my collection.
Thanks for the giveaway, Licurg. +1
Post edited December 13, 2013 by BranjoHello
Your favorite games from GOG this year? Does that mean new games released this year, or games you played this year, or you got hit in the head and your favorites changed from last year? You're really confusing me. Since you're going to be giving away your favorite games, does that mean if I offer you a torchligt code to give away, you won't accept it? And if it's Planescape: Torment? Or (trick question!) Deus Ex? Aaah, now my head hurts.

Oh, whatever. I'll just be in for lone survivor, it's a game not in my radar but since you put it up ther with those other titles it must be worth trying out at least.

EDIT: Doubting whether or not I own Sacrifice is almost offensive at this point, so I'll skip that step.

EDIT2: If I make fun of tinyE for having just one ball in some other thread, will I be automatically forfeiting my entry?
Post edited December 13, 2013 by P1na
Im in for

-Eador: Genesis
-FTL - Faster Than Light

and do not own sacrifice.

Thank you very much for the giveaway!
1. In for:
-Lone Survivor
-King of Dragon Pass
2. I have Sacrifice
3. I am in
4. Okay

Thanks for the giveaway, +1
Everything I've seen of King of Dragon Pass has been pretty entertaining, so I'm in for that.

I've got Sacrifice. Not got around to finishing it yet though.
Post edited December 13, 2013 by SELF
P1na: Your favorite games from GOG this year? Does that mean new games released this year, or games you played this year, or you got hit in the head and your favorites changed from last year? You're really confusing me. Since you're going to be giving away your favorite games, does that mean if I offer you a torchligt code to give away, you won't accept it? And if it's Planescape: Torment? Or (trick question!) Deus Ex? Aaah, now my head hurts.

Oh, whatever. I'll just be in for lone survivor, it's a game not in my radar but since you put it up ther with those other titles it must be worth trying out at least.

EDIT: Doubting whether or not I own Sacrifice is almost offensive at this point, so I'll skip that step.

EDIT2: If I make fun of tinyE for having just one ball in some other thread, will I be automatically forfeiting my entry?
1. Games that were made this year, and released on GOG. I made an exception for KoDP , since I never knew it existed.
2.Good boy.
3. You can make fun of him on other threads, but not here. If you want to do it here, you're gonna have to wait until after the giveaway ;)
Nice giveaway.

I'm in, entering for: Lone Survivor or Eador: Genesis (I'd prefer Lone Survivor over Eador)
Sadly I don't yet own Sacrifice.. never knew about it till you keep mentioning it :p

edit: acquired Lone Survivor via trade, so just in for Eador: Genesis
Post edited December 21, 2013 by gbaz69
News flash from this afternoon!!!
tinyE only has one ball HA HA HA

Thank you Licurg and a very happy Birthday, go easy on the alcohol, you are still young, never know if you will need your liver in the future :P
I'm in for Lone Survivor, i dont have (yet) Sacrifice. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I'm sorely tempted to say that tinyE only has...
Nah, forget it. Happy (upcoming) Birthday and may you put that pesky liver of yours to a real stress test.
I unfortunately don't own Sacrifice yet, but I might end up picking it up at this sale. Thank you for this giveaway and I'm in only for Eador: Genesis.
Post edited December 13, 2013 by Grargar
In for Lone Survivor & Eador: Genesis. Thanks for the giveaway, Licurg. I already have Sacrifice.
1) In for Lone Survivor, King of Dragon Pass, and Eador: Genesis.
2) I have Sacrifice.
3) I'm in.
4) Nice and simple.

Thanks for the GA.
I'm in for Lone Survivor. I've got a physical copy of Sacrifice, but it's pretty old and doesn't always work properly.

Cheers, +1 and all that.