InterFaced: This game is awesome. Codemaster's newer driving games like grid are fun, but you can tell they really toned down on the sim aspects to appeal to a broader audience. The physics in this game are unforgiving, and I love it for that.
Just finishing a course without running off the road into a tree is an accomplishment. Best $5 I've spent in a long time. :)
Namur: Anyway, i'll try my best. Here's my time so far: 01:58:11
I've got you beat by a few tenths. :) the engine from the bumper cam sounds really awesome but my audio got screwed up when I was recording this so added a face melting jam from ATHF.
Thanks for the post- cool video of your time trial!
Nox_A15: I achieved my 01:56.01 on cheap, black piece of plastic... I mean - trash keyboard with "c" not always working properly.
Yea, I know - oldschool masochism. :P
We're not worthy! We're not worthy!
Gravis Exterminator here... love that pad! Love it so much that I bought an extra just in case my original dies :)
And congrats to the winners! Great times! I wish I had seen this soon enough to compete!