It always stings when something ceases working, especially if you lose gigabytes of data in the process. Like when I disconnected one 500GB PATA hard drive and put it resting on top of the PC case (I think that hard drive was originally connected to my TV recorder box, so it was full of movies and TV series I had recorded from TV).
I think I felt a slight zap, a static electricity shock when I put it on top of the PC case. After that, the hard drive was completely dead, apparently I zapped something in its electronics.
On my first gaming PC, I didn't heed the warnings that you must disconnect your modem from the phone line, if there is a chance of a thunder storm outside. I vividly remember I was playing Ultima Underworld one nice summer day. Suddenly the game froze with a weird noise, i thought it was some generic game problem... until I smelled something burning, and heard a thunder outside.
I rushed to switch off and disconnect my precious PC, and I remember anxiously waiting for the storm to end in order to check the damages.
In the end I was quite lucky. The modem was a goner IIRC, but the PC itself was still working fine, and served me many more years. I even finished UUW later, otherwise it could still sit in my backlog unfinished!