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The Gothic series has gone on sale today, except for Gothic 1. The reason for this is because Gothic is self-published and therefore doesn't qualify to fall into a publisher sale. In fact, Gothic is essentially never on sale on GOG.

I really like this series, and it should be played from the beginning, but since it's never on sale I could see people forgoing the first one. This makes me sad. To correct that, I'll give it away.

So here's the contest. A central theme in the Gothic series is a war between orcs and humans. Basically, orcs are invading Myrtana (the human country) because they want the land. To win the contest, you must think of a way for the two sides to come to an agreement and end the war. No knowledge of the games is necessary. Best suggestion, based on my own criteria which are highly subjective and based on nothing, wins.

Contest entries must be entered no later than noon Sunday, CDT. Good luck!
Post edited April 20, 2012 by kodeen
Each force should pick a champion.
These champions should compare their GOG shelves.
Whoever has the bigger shelf wins!
they listen to this and give peace a chance.
This is one way to do it:
Let them watch this:
Why not make it a giant tournament/game Like Madworld?

They could make a simple giant arena and set up tons of traps/hazards

Whichever race comes out victorious can take a certain part of the land
kodeen: A central theme in the Gothic series is a war between orcs and humans. Basically, orcs are invading Myrtana (the human country) because they want the land. To win the contest, you must think of a way for the two sides to come to an agreement and end the war.
Best option could be some interracial love / marriage like in Romeo and Juliet probably?
Yes, I know, Romeo and Juliet had much much easier, both were humans. Orcs women are not typically in humans' type (also vice versa) BUT IF there would be orc woman similar to her it could come true :D
Post edited April 20, 2012 by Lexor
I propose a five contest competition to determine the winner, judged by a jury of 12 orcs and 12 men. The first contest shall be Interpretive dancing, average score out of 2 dances a team. Second shall be Two Girls One Cup on loop, first to turn away or projectile vomit is the loser. Third shall be an Endurance of playing Orcs Must Die (With a re-skinned version for the orcs, Humans Must Die), longest streak out of 3 chances wins. Should one team not win the first three contests, contest four shall be Roshambo. Each side will have a team of Five, last team to have someone standing wins (For reference, Roshambo is competitive testicle kicking). Boots will be allowed as well as just one pair of pants for modesty sake, the first kick shall be determined by mutton toss. Should a winner not be determined, Contest Five shall see a competition of hands free combat. Weapons strapped to the groin are encouraged.

The loser must be granted at least 20% of the land that is being contested for, or assisted to find a larger land source to reside on.
Post edited April 20, 2012 by QC
historically, peace between ethnic groups has endured where there was trade, and also sharing of resources. Orc-Human special economic zone/free trade agreement!

historically, peace between ethnic groups has endured where both ethnic groups faced domination by an even larger group, and had mutual interests in alliance. Orcs and Humans, united front against the gnome menace!
The whole team behind the original Gothic should in-fact change the entire story where the Orcs and Humans live together in harmony with many little mixed breed Humorcs running around while all dancing, singing, and drinking in celebration of their suddenly unknown reasons of love and compassion for each others different cultural differences.
I have been interested in this series for a while. I have heard over and over how wonderful it is as an open world RPG. The only reason I never tried it was all the complaints about the controls/combat. I hear it's hard to control and that the combat is backwards and it takes half the game before you figure out how to work the interface. I would like to try this game but is it really that counter intuitive to play?

As to Orc vs Humans. I have long thought, after years of Warcraft 2, that these orcs are going about it all wrong. Don't just barge right into a new land with swords swinging, this just creates a strong backlash against you and uses up the valuable natural resources of the land. Instead the orcs should come offering themselves as a highly motivated and cost efficient workforce. After a few years the orcs will have worked their way up to supervisory and management positions. Soon you will have orc run businesses and even some of the sports teams will have orc managers as well as players. Next you have orcs as vassals to human kings, then humans as vassals to orc kings, then orcs winning seats in free and open elections. As long as the humans get to keep and work their on farms the orcs can "own" the rest of the land. No need for bloodshed, or running up deficits to pay for catapults and horse armor just a nice peaceful transfer of power.

I think this video will more then explain what should be done.
Come to an agreement? The best way for that to happen is for my orc brethren to slaughter as many puny humans as possible until they beg for surrender. That is the only "agreement" we will accept. Think Hiroshima.
StingingVelvet: Come to an agreement? The best way for that to happen is for my orc brethren to slaughter as many puny humans as possible until they beg for surrender. That is the only "agreement" we will accept. Think Hiroshima.
The Hiroshima thing is kinda in bad taste.
Stevedog13: I would like to try this game but is it really that counter intuitive to play?
I get the impression that everyone complaining about the control scheme is using the original one, which was meant to be played with keyboard only. If you switch to the alternate scheme (which swaps directional buttons from arrow keys to WASD, other things that anticipate mouse use) and remember to hold LMB down for most actions, it's not too difficult.