MGShogun: Here's few of my cosplay idols whom I look up.
Last one has strong impact on me as a cosplayer. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be cosplaying so I'm always thankful for her.
Orc, I'm glad that you like the picture. I'm not very cut like those anime characters so I try to avoid anime cosplay whenever I can unless they wear heavy coat and wear glasses, lol.
GameRager, glad that you like that picture. The context behind that picture was that my friend show up at the con at last minute so that's why his face was like that. Whereas I was pimping it as Groucho Marx whole time at anime con. :D
Even Japanese tourists were stopping me every few minutes to take picture of me.
Man, hard to tell for sure the second one is all the same gal. She seems pretty good.