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(removed : was already in the list )

All of the sudden, I'm feeling an urge not to click anymore on those "deals". It's just plain frustrating...
Post edited December 16, 2013 by Phc7006
The most fun part is not knowing, what the freebie pool contains.
Phc7006: (removed : was already in the list )

All of the sudden, I'm feeling an urge not to click anymore on those "deals". It's just plain frustrating...
I did read earlier in either this thread or the Winter Sale thread a posting by G-Doc that the Random Magic deal *could* give you a freebie of some sort (sorry, do not know more details than that other than it seems that it will be a super-rare occurrence). Not sure how much of a draw that would be to continue to click, but want to at least throw that out there in case it does help keep the mystery draw alive a little longer.
I have Alan Wake for 90% off or $2.99
Brave New Worlds: Aarklash: Legacy 50% off $10.49

I was going to write it off, as I've got the games I wanted from the sale so far. But after reading the reviews I'm pondering it.
I got MDK from Timeless Classics. Discounted by 75%. The price is $1.50.
mkell_226: And you didn't buy it either time?!??
GOG seems quite determined to sell it to me, so I'm pretty sure it will pop-up plenty of times before the sale ends :-P

Nah, I'm holding out for other games I'd rather get.
I got this game for i think 1.49.. well almost positive it was..

GABRIEL KNIGHT: SINS OF THE FATHERS "timeless Classic" And i must say it certainly is!
Fictionvision: Brave New Worlds: Aarklash: Legacy 50% off $10.49

I was going to write it off, as I've got the games I wanted from the sale so far. But after reading the reviews I'm pondering it.
Looks interesting, But seems a lot more like dungeon siege, than Baldur's gate. not to say that is bad, just not what i was looking for these days.. To bad it wasn't deeper on story or i would say it was a must have
Post edited December 16, 2013 by JeCy
I was rather hoping to find Memoria on the Brave New Worlds list. But it looks like 40% discount is as good as it gets for now.
Stacking 80% OFF

$14.99 => $2.99
So who got a free game from the mystery boxes and what was it?
The first post says Empire Earth and Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) have been awarded as freebies, but no idea which thread the info came from. Not surprised if freebies are rare, GOG was very generous with the freebies during the Fall Insomnia, and free Fallout collection was above and beyond.
Just for the sake of completion, since I don't see it in the random magic duplicates post, on day 1 my "random magic" offer was Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut @ 75% off, $4.99.
IanM: The first post says Empire Earth and Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) have been awarded as freebies, but no idea which thread the info came from. Not surprised if freebies are rare, GOG was very generous with the freebies during the Fall Insomnia, and free Fallout collection was above and beyond.
Kinda surprising those games were got for free? (EE and Fahrenheit) thought one of the common ones would have been thrown up as a freebie from the mystery boxes :)
Free games have only been found in the Timeless Classics option?