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ALH: 29th of Dec roundabouts.
DeathArcanum: Thanks! +1 =)
More specifically "Our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale will last until Sunday, December 29, at 1:59PM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). " from the news discussion thread.
auroraparadox: Have:
Atlantis: The Lost Tales (70% off). Original Price: $5.99 Reduced Price: $1.79
22 hours and 48 minutes left

I also have a GOG gift code for Witcher Enhanced Edition.


Bard's Tale
Dust: An Elysian Tail
If you want to trade your Daily Deal with someone else's one, you'd be better off posting in this thread. And if you're generally interested in trading better post here.
I just got "The 7th Guest" free on the Timeless Classics option.
auroraparadox: Have:
Atlantis: The Lost Tales (70% off). Original Price: $5.99 Reduced Price: $1.79
22 hours and 48 minutes left

I also have a GOG gift code for Witcher Enhanced Edition.


Bard's Tale
Dust: An Elysian Tail
HypersomniacLive: If you want to trade your Daily Deal with someone else's one, you'd be better off posting in this thread. And if you're generally interested in trading better post here.
I actually meant to post in that thread. I had both threads open at the time and must have selected this one by mistake. Thanks for letting me know.
Kalonos: I just got "The 7th Guest" free on the Timeless Classics option.
You've got no idea how much INVY!
I have Triple Town for $3.33
anyone got a reus to trade?
Post edited December 17, 2013 by nijuu
groze: Timeless Classics: Anachronox 75%off =$1.49
(This is the second game I already own that I got in the random boxes,

For anyone unaware and interested, you may wish to get Anachronox The Movie
( ). Emailed GOG suggesting they add it to their game page as bonus content.

groze: On a side note, I don't blame GOG for this, all people seem to do is bitch and moan about how GOG should handle their sales, how unfair they are, blah, blah, blah. If it weren't for GOG I wouldn't have had the opportunity to play some old games that were no longer available for years, some games I had on disc but got lost or stopped working altogether, and, in all honesty, some newer games I would have missed because I don't endorse Steam and GOG started selling new indie titles as well. Both MDK and Anachronox are *great* games -- really amazing ones, seriously --, so it doesn't bother me to get them even though I already own them, just makes me feel happy that other people could be getting these deals as well and enjoying these same games.)
We're not blaming GOG about their content or website; infact we're very grateful for it. We're only moaning about how they handled parts of their sales. We believe that implementing it better, would get them more sales. Eg the mystery gifts: show all 3 (rather than pick 1 mystery box), and let us decide which to buy - rather than force a game we may already have in our GOG collection, or not allow us to "pick again" from the other boxes...

This comes on the back of the 101 games sale from a few weeks ago, where anyone not geographically close to Europe seldom got any of their deals; was here for almost the entire first 8 hours of the sale, and did not even get the chance to see any of their "freebies", let alone click on one. And when a cheap $ deal I wanted did appear, was unable to get it due to "checkout page not working due to overwhelming traffic". So 8-10 hours on that sale went (for me) nowhere.
auroraparadox: Want:
Bard's Tale
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Humble have Dust: An Elysian Tail reduced to $3.75 - see and . Don't know for how long though.
auroraparadox: Want:
Bard's Tale
Dust: An Elysian Tail
f_alcon: Humble have Dust: An Elysian Tail reduced to $3.75 - see and . Don't know for how long though.
Thanks for the heads up f_alcon.

I only wish the Windows version wasn't on Steam.
Post edited December 17, 2013 by auroraparadox
f_alcon: This comes on the back of the 101 games sale from a few weeks ago, where anyone not geographically close to Europe seldom got any of their deals; was here for almost the entire first 8 hours of the sale, and did not even get the chance to see any of their "freebies", let alone click on one. And when a cheap $ deal I wanted did appear, was unable to get it due to "checkout page not working due to overwhelming traffic". So 8-10 hours on that sale went (for me) nowhere.
There were 3 rounds and aside from missing the 1st round entirely, i did end up getting around 12 games i wanted (no freebies - they went way to fast (people have suggested ways to change that in future)), 5-6 hours sleep a it wasn't impossible. Didn't get the traffic issue in later in 2nd and 3rd round...
timeless classics
Dues Ex 75% off @ $2.49
TimeCrash2: Dang, Thief 2 seems pretty widespread for Timeless Classic, I plan on clicking it everyday until I see Thief Gold pop up. I have the disc version but would like the GOG version.
What do you know, I got your Thief game today...
Brave New Worlds:

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs 51% OFF
TimeCrash2: Dang, Thief 2 seems pretty widespread for Timeless Classic, I plan on clicking it everyday until I see Thief Gold pop up. I have the disc version but would like the GOG version.
HypersomniacLive: What do you know, I got your Thief game today...
What luck lol! I got Roller Coaster Tycoon today and Sim City yesterday! Where is my Thief dangit!