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I played Demon Stone on the PS2 ages ago, and I remember it being an ok game. Not horrible, but not something to write home about either. I haven't tried the PC version yet, but I get the impression the port wasn't done well at all.

Haven't tried Dragonshard yet. Think I'll move it up on my To Play list, I'm a bit more curious about it now. :)
Ghorpm: No idea, I've never heard of it :)
AFnord: I'm not surprised that you've never heard of it.
I'm not surprised neither, especially because the game was released in 2004. I used to be a huge fan of RTS games but my interest in them vanished almost completely around 2002/2003. I may say I have a small RTS renaissance period right now because I got a few of them here and I do enjoy them, but definitely they are not my favorite genre as it was until 2002/2003.
I actually liked Demon Stone. Not memorable, but finishing it didn't feel like a burden. Dragonshard has some old mechanics I don't like, but it would probably appeal to people who still play Warcraft II .
Thanks for the feedback guys :)
Demon Stone gets a lot of undeserved hate for being a brawler instead of an RPG. A lot of the criticism like enemies only dropping health are standard stuff for brawlers. What Demon Stone should be getting is deserved criticism for being an awful brawler!

First off, if you don't have a gamepad don't even bother, this is a straight-up console port. It can be played with mouse and keyboard, but it's really awkward, while the gamepad works perfectly fine. Demon Stone is not horrible in the sense that at least it works as intended, but at the same time there is not a good thing I can say about it either. It's just awful at being a brawler and the link to the thread above explains it in more detail. If you get it as part of a bundle you wanted to buy anyway chances are you'll like the mindless slaughter of the first few levels, but the frustration settles in very quickly.
Post edited December 16, 2013 by HiPhish
nijuu: This sounded like a game called Armies of Exiogo?..cant remember the exact spelling but that had fighting in overworld and underworld at the same time as well (or at least as i remember...)
Army of Exigo ;)
HiPhish: Demon Stone gets a lot of undeserved hate for being a brawler instead of an RPG. A lot of the criticism like enemies only dropping health are standard stuff for brawlers. What Demon Stone should be getting is deserved criticism for being an awful brawler!

First off, if you don't have a gamepad don't even bother, this is a straight-up console port. It can be played with mouse and keyboard, but it's really awkward, while the gamepad works perfectly fine. Demon Stone is not horrible in the sense that at least it works as intended, but at the same time there is not a good thing I can say about it either. It's just awful at being a brawler and the link to the thread above explains it in more detail. If you get it as part of a bundle you wanted to buy anyway chances are you'll like the mindless slaughter of the first few levels, but the frustration settles in very quickly.
You know what? I wouldn't give a damn if the game was a rhythm game ala Guitar Hero. It isn't part of a series where consumers have certain expectations. It is not called Baldur's Gate 3 or Planescape: Torment 2.

My main beef with this game is that even compared to other brawlers, it's not satisfying and it's frustrating. At the very least, when you kicked the crap out of enemies with Haggar in Final Fight, it felt satisfying. Here, when I would hit enemies, I would feel like gently caressing them, like ticking boxes of the list. I imagine the following conversation taking place:
Player: Hey orc, I hit you 10 times. Time to drop dead.
Orc: OK. "Drops dead."
Grargar: ...
Yeah, exactly, there is no satisfaction in killing enemies. The developers simply compensated that by putting so many enemies on the screen, they barely fit. This also means hat the special moves are pretty pointless, no one is going to bother with the sorcerer's Hold Monster to paralyse one orc when there is fifty more orcs coming. The only good combo is to mash the attack button, because the regular attack has the greatest hitting angle.