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high rated
Now that I've got your attention, let me talk about something important: Albion. (Don't worry, there's also a giveaway.)

Albion is a very little-known RPG from 1995, made by a small developer called Blue Byte (you might remember them from the Settlers fame). Albion known for its enchanting world and atmosphere and a unique setting. It's also (dubiously) been called the original inspiration to James Cameron's Avatar. Albion is the very definition of a cult classic: very few even know of its existence, but those who do revere it with uncommon amounts of affection. It seem that if you like Albion, you really, REALLY like Albion.

Matt Barton did recently a retrospective video of Albion. You can see it here:

Considering Albion is not a licensed game and the same developer's other games are already on GOG, it's a a bit off to have this one missing here. If you'd like to give Albion a chance and see if it could enchant you too, you can vote for it here:

And now comes your chance to win some free games. I have a code up for grabs for the Might and Magic sixpack right here on GOG. That's 2 games you probably won't want to play and 4 games I consider some of the best RPGs ever made! I will raffle the code to one lucky winner in Dec. 20th. To enter, post something, anything at all, in this thread about Albion. :-)
Post edited December 03, 2013 by RaggieRags
All I know of Albion is what I saw in the first five minutes of the Youtube link - and it looks pretty nifty. Looks like it would be good fun to play. I voted for it on the wishlist, and please count me in.

For a while I dated a girl who was from Albion, Michigan ... does that count?
Post edited December 03, 2013 by LinustheBold
Do i remember Albion?
Oh, yes!
I named a main character after the game in Ultima Online and played with him for 7 years!
So vote here for it.
Voted for Albion some time ago.

I've got a boxed copy around somewhere. I started playing it on an old laptop but it died shortly after I installed it.

Thanks for the great giveaway
I've been to Albion, Michigan. I wasn't picking up women, however.
That's all I've got.
Not in but +1

Voted for Albion quite a while ago :D
Voted! Albion's one of those games I didn't really know much about before coming to GOG, but I'm quite eager to see it come here, given the status it seems to enjoy.

And thanks for the giveaway, but I shan't be entering. At least not for personal perusal. Just not much into Might and Magic without the heroes ;)
Watched the you tube vidoe, and I'm impressed by this game, specially how it looks/plays from 1995 just wow.
Voted, and I'm in with the hope Albion gets released on
Not in but a definite +1 for both you and Albion. More Amiga-days goodness that should be here.
I watched that Matt Chat video about Albion, too. I've never played it but it looks like a very good game.

Incidentally, I would play all six of those Might and Magic games straight through :)
Albion... always so inviting in the shelves, but never bought it. Although I had many BlueByte-games back in the days. Don't really know, why I never got it. Well, just voted, maybe I will buy it here :D

Count me in and thanks for this!
Thanks for the giveaway, Raggie! Count me in :D

Can't say much from experience, but the youtube video made it look like an awesome game. I'm always down for some hybrid games :D Voted for it!
Voted! God, it's been so long since last i've played this...Certainly a game that would deserve at least an HD re-release, if not a sequel...

I'm in, +1 and thanks for reminding me of this game and for the giveaway.
I already voted for the game quite some time ago :)
I already have the Might + Magic 6 pack so count me in for the person above me (if you allow that!)
not in but a great giveaway :)
