Posted July 30, 2009
A few weeks ago, I was talking to someone about PCs and they brought up that they needed a FAT16 drive. I said "Why do you need a FAT16 drive?" with them saying "To play Daggerfall." I said you don't need a FAT16 drive, you use DosBox." with them replying "DosBox doesn't work with Daggerfall." I said "Did you try the new version?" with him stating " No, but it doesn't work in DosBox." I said "It works in the new version" with his reply " But you need hacks to get it to work." I said the new version doesn't need hacks and should work fine." That's the just of conversation and they said that the would try the new version with me not having heard anything since. I thought the conversation was interesting. It also took a bit to convincing to get them to buy Stonekeep on GO which they really wanted to play again.