Mr.Spatula: <3 steam sales (you have to admit, even if you hate steam and refuse to use it, the sales have really good prices sometimes).
Coelocanth: It's the only thing I use Steam for. I buy when there are supercheap sales on games I don't really care much about and am just curious enough to try when the price is right.
stoicsentry: Enemies randomly appear out of thin air, jumping from rooftops, opening sewer caps, sometimes they just fall out of the sky.
Coelocanth: This isn't such a big deal (jumping from rooftops or opening sewer caps), since at least you can justify that as being somewhat logical. But fully armored templars dropping from the ceiling? Or walking into an entry room that has doors at N,S,E, and W and you cannot even interact with the E and W doors, yet when the battle that you
know is going to occur there starts they come pouring through those two doors? Or they materialize out of thin air right under your mage? That's where it gets beyond the point of pathetic.
The sheer number of enemies just makes it stupid as well, given that they are all contained in one tiny city. It's hard to take it seriously. It's like a parody of an RPG.
An example, I'm going to do a quest in some mansion in the city. On the way, 10 bandits attack me, then 10 more, then 10 more. I go inside the mansion, where I am attacked by 20 bandits. Then I leave, and I am ambushed by... bandits. First 10, now 10 more, now 10 more.
This is about 1/200th of the game play. I expect that in my time playing the game, I murdered approximately 50% of the city. Yes, approximately 50% of the city is either bandits or rogue mages who attack me for no apparent reason.