GameRager: I agree to pay what you want but if you're just waiting to get the game for cheap to be a "cheapskate" (not to save money for a good reason but a selfish one I mean) when you have a good income/etc and you then buy used that's just not fair to the devs IMO.
You misunderstand. I wrote the "stall" comment as a recommendation for the OP who was not sure if he was going to like the game. The "selling points" he noticed in the game failed to impress him and the aspect he wanted to know most about has almost no details out.
I like helping devs when the games are good but when they're not, why should anyone? Stall and find out after release if you'll like the game, then make an informed choice. What's the point of saving 10% off on a preorder offer or what have you on a game you won't like? If in the end the game is good, either buy it full price or wait some more until it reaches a price point you're willing to pay for.