Elmofongo: We are just angry old Dragon Age:Origin PC players that lament the fact that they went from the Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights Pause and Play gameplay to just another action RPG and a hack and slasher one at that. It just looks like a "better" version of Dragon Age 2, but its still Dragon Age 2. And I hate the redesigned/stylized fantasy look I miss the traditional , "Lord of the Rings-esque" look of Dragon Age Origins hell Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls kept it.
Reever: Usually don't give a fuck (or much) about gameplay if the story hits home. And you can also play in tactical mode, hopefully this doesn't mean that both modes are lackluster because of having implemented two fiighting modes...
Here's the short glimpse of the new Mass Effect and of the new IP. HYPED!!!
And man, those chicks were screaming their lungs out when the Sims got announced. Why not at ME? =(
Because ME is dead after the third game and Sims is an work of art.