corad: i was feeling nostalgic for comand & conquer 1 after watching the recent lore video but i noticed that no one had the first two in either comand and conquer or red alert steam has both series from 3 onward so what happened to them
Lol, currently playing the series again after I grabbed it recently from Origin. The Ultimate Collection on Origin contains (as others have already stated) the whole series to date (excluding Sole Survivor or whatever that one's title was). And I think it's the only place where you can actually grab the whole collection, from what I've heard the boxed edition only contains an Origin key (+ a soundtrack CD or something).
Edit: Well, one alternative is grabbing a physical copy of The First Decade, a used copy should come pretty cheap by now. I grabbed The Ultimate Collection, though, because I was tired of installing from disc (and was hoping that I'd not have to manually apply any fixes anymore that TFD still required - I was wrong).