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All right, here is second edition of our Fabulous Jack Keane Giveaway. This time, the winner will be chosen by volunteering Jury of five people:
fronzelneekburm, winner of the first edition
...and me, because no one else wanted the job :)

Jury Overseer:
(this means, if we screw something up, it's up to triock to hit us in the heads :))

- To enter, post a self-made piece of Jack Keane fan-art in any form (collage, painting, drawing, song, poem, anything you can think of)!
- All entries posted in the first edition take part in the second edition. If author(s) want to remove their entries from this edition, please say so.
- The entries will be judged based on quality, humour, idea and possible other factors by open vote by the Jury.
- The initial deadline: Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013. This deadline can be changed based on interest in the giveaway or to allow participants finish their entries. If someone's not ready - please say so, we'll move the deadline to allow you to make finishing touches to your work.

The reward is a GOG copy of adventures of our beloved hero, JAAAAAACK...
Post edited December 13, 2013 by Novotnus
What's wrong people, be creative and get in!

Thanks for the contest Novotnus! +1
Post edited December 29, 2013 by DeMignon
Not in, but thank you for the giveaway Novotnus! +1
Novotnus: All right, here is second edition of our Fabulous Jack Keane Giveaway. This time, the winner will be chosen by volunteering Jury of five people:
fronzelneekburm, winner of the first edition
...and me, because no one else wanted the job :)

- To enter, post a self-made piece of Jack Keane fan-art in any form (collage, painting, drawing, song, poem, anything you can think of)!
- All entries posted in the first edition take part in the second edition. If author(s) want to remove their entries from this edition, please say so.
- The entries will be judged based on quality, humour, idea and possible other factors by open vote by the Jury.
- The initial deadline: Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013. This deadline can be changed based on interest in the giveaway or to allow participants finish their entries. If someone's not ready - please say so, we'll move the deadline to allow you to make finishing touches to your work.

The reward is a GOG copy of adventures of our beloved hero, JAAAAAACK...
Oh this wont get moved. You have to do a trilogy of "Jack" (though one of them is unrealed, but still has JACK in it's title).
Not in as I haven't played any of the Keene's yet and I'm not even sure about the content. +1 anyways and maybe next time I will be able to relate! :-)
dragonsreach: Not in as I haven't played any of the Keene's yet and I'm not even sure about the content. +1 anyways and maybe next time I will be able to relate! :-)
You dont have to be sure, and the price is jack orlando. ;) also fooled me for a sec.
I need to come up with something.

Oh and how crazy or dedicated was i there in the snapshot?

My entry, as one can be Rick Rolled, and some felt like we been Keane Rolled.

We're no strangers to love Jack
You know the rules and so do I Keane
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of Jack
You wouldn't get this from any other guy Keane
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Jack
Gotta make you understand Keane

Never gonna give you up, Jack
Never gonna let you down, Keane
Never gonna run around and desert you Jack
Never gonna make you cry, Keane
Never gonna say goodbye Jack
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Keane

We've known each other for so long Jack
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Keane
Inside we both know what's been going on Jack
We know the game and we're gonna play it Keane
And if you ask me how I'm feeling Jack
Don't tell me you're too blind to see Keane (CHORUS)

(Ooh give you up)
(Ooh give you up)
(Ooh) never gonna give, never gonna give
(give you up Jack)
(Ooh) never gonna give, never gonna give
(give you up Keane)

We've known each other for so long Jack
Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Keane
Inside we both know what's been going on Jack
We know the game and we're gonna play it Keane(TO FRONT)
snap4.jpg (376 Kb)
Post edited December 11, 2013 by lugum
All right... is anybody still working on his\her entry? If not, I guess we'll be closing soon.
If some of you are still interested in entering, please say so! I'll gladly wait!
Come on, folks, it's JACK!!!!
In by the skin of my chinny-chin-chin! :-D
Countdown BUMP!
All right, Mighty Jury. It is time to gather and cast your votes!
OK, looks like I'm getting the ball rolling here.

Now, we all know that any Keane-related contest is going to be, by its very nature, a fun, relaxed, very un-serious thing. Still, I know that many people put a lot of time & effort into their entries, and while it was all for fun - and particularly fun to do, I imagine - I recognize that there were many GOGers who put real effort into making something that paid tribute to one of GOG's newest (though not anywhere near first) and best original memes. So thank you all very much for your entries, it's been a delight for me to have a reason to sit and stare at them! Also, I hate you all. Some of your entries almost killed me - though I'll admit that choking on food & drink while laughing is partially my fault. :-D

And now to the judging. Taking this task seriously, I have examined all of the entries, both in this thread and those in the original. If it's been posted, I've examined it. When looking through all these awesome, funny, wonderful entries, to me there were several that stood out, and were initially very difficult for me to choose between. To help me decide, I consulted several people - two of whom are far more qualified to judge visual art than I - and I put together a list of entries that were most frequently cited as the favorites, mine included. There was no artificial or desired limit placed on the number of possible finalists.

The final entries were primarily chosen based on how well they achieved their goal as a "work of Keane". And while the entries in this contest varied greatly, any entry that seemed to excel beyond the others at showcasing or evoking at least one aspect of the Keane meme - the spirit of The Keane, if you will - was selected as a finalist.

In alphabetic order, these were my finalists: </span>, <span class="bold">[url=]Darilon, </span>, <span class="bold">[url=]Mondo, and Mr. Frost.

Also, honorable mention goes to Truhlik, who produced a surprisingly clever list of Jack Keane, 007-starring film titles. As a writer, I greatly appreciated his entry, but it was too dissimilar from the other finalists for me to wrap my mind around a decent comparison.

After much consideration, I felt that these entries each triumph in a given aspect of the Keane meme:

Greatest Referential Achievement in Keaning: [url=]GBaz[/url], Mr. Frost

Greatest Artistic Achievement in Keaning: </span>, <span class="bold">[url=]Azilut

Funniest Work of Keane: </span>,* <span class="bold">[url=]Azilut

Finally, there is a single entry that I and everyone I consulted with felt best represented the whole package of the Keane meme.

For the 2013 Spirit of The Keane Award, my vote goes to: Azilut.

* = Though few of the people I consulted "got" Darilon's humor, those that did laughed out loud, as did I on many occasions, and indeed every time I look at it, without mercy.

What he said.

Boy, I sure wish I could be as eloquent about my choice.

mondo84's entry from the first giveaway would have been my winner by far. I love the discrepancy between the piles of money and the fact that the Keane barely ever made it past $1199. Also note the title: BreaKeane Bad. A stroke of genius! Very punny indeed! It's so good, I can even forgive the gratuitous use of Comic Sans.

I must however admit that Azilut's work is starting to grow on me. Though it did not manage to immediately connect with me the way mondo84's work managed to (and let's face it: these days it's ALL about instant gratification), it has this... raw, hand-crafted sort of appeal.

And, yes, it did take a while, but I finally *got* Darilon's entry. It may be a case of piss-poor MS-Paint skills (as the artist himself willingly admitted), but this is still the closest this contest got to producing modern art.

I'll be anticipating the other judges' votes before I can settle on one of them.
My two colleagues have nicely expressed my own feelings (only better I had been able to do :D) on the difficulty of choosing candidates, so I'm going to cut to the chase here. As you'll notice, my list of categories has been inspired for Eli's (read as "plagiarized from" :D), with a little twist of my own. ;)

Here we go!

Greatest Pic Achievement: mondo84 (BreaKeane Bad), LoboBlanco (Citizen Keane) and mrbax (Lost in the Rings)

Winner of this category: mondo84

(Special mention to our fellow judge -and winner of the first edition- fronzelneekburm (Jackass number two))

Greatest Literary Achievement: truhlik77 (007 Keane movies) and lugum (Keane song)

Winner of this category: truhlik77

Funniest Work of Keane: Darilon (You Shall Not Pass) and gbaz69 (Cure for insomnia)

Winner of this category: Darilon

Greatest Show of Passion for Keane: tomimt (Yak Keane), almabrds (Keane's portrait) and Azilut (Cosmic Keane)

Winner of this category: Azilut

Overall winner: Well, this is a REALLY tough decision. I'm torn apart between mondo84 (I was instantly attracted to his poster) and Azilut (love all the passion and effort he put on his drawing), so I'm going to delay my vote for now, as fronzelneekburm did before me. ;)

EDIT: My final vote goes to mondo84.
Post edited December 19, 2013 by Thespian*
Just a note from Jury Overseer :p

It's okay that you guys delay your votes for now, but in the end you will HAVE TO cast your vote, so why not do it right now? ;)