Posted July 23, 2013

I didn't think the writing was all that great. Typical video game fare. Making Lara a bit whiny doesn't equate to fleshing out her character whatsoever. I want my cheeky rough-and-tumble heroine back. =P As I said in another thread, I wish they'd given me the option of stealthy bow-hunting throughout the entire game, but that's pretty much impossible to do in later sections of the game. Lastly, the 'tombs' were a fucking joke. "Hey, look! Another itty bitty physics puzzle!" *groan*
Haven't tried multi at all because I really don't give a shit about it one way or another.
For what it is, TR is fun enough, but it could have been better. Though it's one of the few games in which I bothered to collect most items - there were only a few challenges I couldn't be bothered to complete. Gotta upgrade Ms Rambo's arsenal, after all. ;)
Post edited July 23, 2013 by mistermumbles