lowyhong: I still hope ARMA2 fares better than Dragon Rising. After all, the guys who worked on OFP aren't working on Dragon Rising. I just think it's a shame ARMA2 still didn't get enough polish and still has issues carried over from ARMA1
Do you really care more about who a game's by than how it turns out?
I don't get why Bohemian Interactive get so much support on this issue. Yes, they gave us OFP, so hooray.
That was nearly a decade ago. Since then, they have given us nothing but buggy, broken, generally inadequate follow-ups.
Maybe it's not strictly 'fair' for somebody else to use the brand name they created, but.... so? All it means is that the OFP brand hasn't been ruined yet. History has shown that if BI had been allowed to keep the name, it would have been ruined by now.
Someone else has been given the chance to live up to the original game. And since we now know that BI would never have done this, this is not a bad thing.