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I've been playing on my portable devices alot lately and I found a number of gems:
Etrian Odyssey 1 & 2 for the DS. Alot like the old wizardry and bard's tale games, including the minimalist presentation. A word to the wise, it's all about the grind.
Dragon Bane 2. Found it after extensive browsing of the app store, it's a port of an old palm pc, and it plays EXACTLY like the old bard's tale game, text based combat and all.
The quest. Again for the iPhone, controls like an old school game, but with mostly 3D graphics and a real-time combat system. EDIT: To clarify, The Quest plays like stonekeep, but in an open world environment.
Post edited August 03, 2009 by Al1
If by chance you have a Playstation 2, check out King's Field: The Ancient City (actually the fourth in the KF series). It's similar in gameplay to Arx Fatalis or Ultima Underworld, but the atmosphere is very different, sometimes surreal. Isolation is a major theme - even though there are friendly inhabitants of the world, their hazy features and indifference to your presence reinforce the idea that even when you're not alone, you're still alone.
It's a bit eclectic, and it starts off at a -very- slow pace. I don't think I've ever seen a review of a King's Field game that I didn't think was missing the point. Give it a try.
Sielle: They tend to lack the questing that IMO is a base staple of an RPG. Also it's not so much a "level up by doing quests, killing, or questing" it's more of a "Ok you got to level 3, pick something new".
The personalities of your character never change, the story line is VERY linear, and the NPC interaction is minimal at best.
Good shooters with a half way decent story, but not a Role Playing Game.

Well, questing is one part of what I would consider base staples. Another part would be character customisation and story.
They're definitely not traditional RPGs, but I would still label them as an RPG.. Of sorts.
It all depends on how you look at it, I suppose.