Posted June 20, 2009

Nimagraven, some differents between FL and DS1 got already counted - DS1 has always the same systems, only one ship, (afaik) not almost that much factions and bg stories that FL has, no MP.
I'll reiterate: It's nothing to shout about. And that was the general opinion I got. Whether you believe it to be different, that's fine. But you're quoting from a particular CULT fan base. Which in some cases is a rather different viewpoint to the mainstream view. But from what I heard it was a rather boring affair and everytime I did attempt to play it on multiplayer it was always "lets not go there. It gets old fast."
Again, you are talking about some dislikes compared to what IS like it. They ARE similar, and your post actually says that (you mention and a likening to factions, stories, did you not?). But then would you actually like them to be the same? Hum... Offering a suggestion to people is not something you should try to lambast with "why it's a billion minor reasons it isn't like this game." If everything was exactly the same, don't you think that would be rather boring? You see what you're actually saying is that Freelancer is better than DS1 because it EXPANDS on similarities.. Which is fine. But to say they are not similar...?
I hasten to add (yet again) that multiplayer is a FEATURE opposed to being similar to something.
Post edited June 20, 2009 by nimagraven