Trilarion: Yes you're right. Retail will die out unless people do pay extra for the service of being served by a human. For some small but beautifull stores I hope this will be always the case.
There might be a niche market for that ("buy at the expert whose knowledge and experience you trust"), but in my experience so far, retail vendors know much less about the games they are selling than their customers. If I think about it, actually none of the questions that I asked in gaming retail stores has ever been competently answered. The answer was either "I don't know, but buy the game, it's great", or "Why would you want to know this?", or "Which game are you talking about?".
One of Germany's greatest chains of electronic stores recently ran an ad saying "Hey internet shops, if you copy our prices, then why don't you copy our service personnel as well?". It was absolutely ridiculous because (1) the internet vendors never "copied" the prices of that chain, they undercut it, and (2) the personnel in said chain, _if_ you can get hold of an actual human being, is usually less competent than any randomly chosen user review on the net.