KneeTheCap: I scoured through some games in Steam's library and noticed that the new King's Bounty game is about you being on "the other side", meaning you're the bad guy now. That peaked my interest and I started to wonder, are there other games like that? I don't mean RPG's that allow you to do evil deeds but still save the world, but games where you're the evil one.
I know Evil Genius, Overlord, Dungeons, Dungeon Keeper and uhm... yeah... that's about it.
Edit. I also noticed the hilarious typo in the topic subject. I totally meant Games, but you can suggest Gamers too.
All of the Grand Theft Auto games, the Hitman franchise, The Godfather games, Mafia series, Kingpin, Postal series, Manhunt series, The Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle Earth series (Mordor/Isengard/etc.) to name a few.
Quarantine is another I just thought of, kind of similar to Carmmageddon IIRC