Posted July 06, 2014
when i got out of that tedious sewer i looked around and realised i can go anywhere and do everything
and anything i wanted
and before that spiderman 2 on the xbox with a open world representation of manhattan
and going i can do that ?
i can go there ?
and subesquently climbed up the empire state building and dove off it before swinging up just before hitting the ground
and finally zelda majora's mask
just because it was so unexpectedly dark and depressing and dared ot be so different
oh and garret lad im slipping !
when i got out of that tedious sewer i looked around and realised i can go anywhere and do everything
and anything i wanted
and before that spiderman 2 on the xbox with a open world representation of manhattan
and going i can do that ?
i can go there ?
and subesquently climbed up the empire state building and dove off it before swinging up just before hitting the ground
and finally zelda majora's mask
just because it was so unexpectedly dark and depressing and dared ot be so different
oh and garret lad im slipping !