shadow29: Hi. Do we get a certain amount of time to download our games. I still haven't got around to any of my games yet. I hope we can download whenever we want to. Because I sure like my games on my shelf.
You need to download your GOG games before the Sun expands outward far enough that it starts to destroy all life on Earth. can't guarantee availability of the games once Solar apocalypse begins however they'll probably do their best anyway. I wouldn't doubt if they launch a satellite containing a server with all of the games into a lisajous orbit at a Lagrange point out around Jupiter just to be on the safe side. But even then, we can't guarantee that we'll have a craft big enough to escape the dying planet on our way out into the Cosmos to look for a new home and still have time for everyone to download from the satellite as we pass by due to bandwidth and time constraints, so it's always a good idea to keep a local backup copy on hard disk to bring with you if you're one of the lucky ones to be selected for the final cosmic voyage.
Update: Yes, that is likely to be some 500 million years from now, but advancements in science and medical technology in the last decade have been quite revolutionary and within our lifetimes it is possible that we may develop the biotechnology to extend life essentially forever. Well, until the Sun does it's thing anyway. I'm just saying.