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Dragon age,
Dragon age,
Dragon age, and one of the days i sat down and played Dragon age.
World of Goo
Plants vs Zombies
Evil has been conjured before the conjunction! The land it's free and Ishar III it's finished.
Updated Dec 15 2009
Tales of Monkey Island Season 1-Goes from good, to mediocre to great. Story alone makes it worth playing.
Prey-Too much handholding. The gravity stuff was cool but not enough to keep it from being another generic shooter.
Trine-I felt like all the challenge was based in fighting the horribly bad physics. One of the poorest indie offerings I've ever played.
Machinarium-This is one of the finest, most minimalistic and satisfying adventure games I've played.
X-COM: UFO Defense/Enemy Unknown-Part simulation, part turned based tactics, all amazing.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
The entire Tales of Monkey Island
Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition
Resident Evil 5. Great game but so short, but I really enjoyed.
Recently beat:
Gears of War 2 - first Gears bored me to hell. This, on the other hand, was so good that I couldn't stop playing. A huge improvement over the first part.
Batman: Arkham Asylum - great game, very enjoyable but it had too much hand holding for my liking. If you die during a boss fight the game tells you how to beat said boss, which takes all the enjoyment away from figuring it out on your own.
Updated one out of three aka months August and September done.
Second update will probably take place later tonight while third tomorrow.
And i finished BG1 expansion, tales of sword coast. took me a while and it was alright. a bit too much fighting. i liked BG1 balanced fight to plot development. Durlag's tower was quite painful at times.
Last boss was awful tough. The demon cult members summon. Took me an hour to figure out how to beat him. and it involved using a 9th level spell, maze. i got the scroll fairly early in the game and kept it on me in case i need it. and i needed it. that bastard was too strong and was killing my party (maxed out btw) like it was grain harvest.
Post edited December 20, 2009 by lukaszthegreat
Just finished Sanitarium and Mass Effect in the past few days. I'll probably finish Tex Murphy: Mean Streets in the next day or two.
The big surprise is Torchlight, which I just picked up on Steam this morning and may be finishing way sooner than expected, considering how long Diablo took. I'm not sure how long this game goes on, but I'm already about to hit level 22 of the dungeon. I'm playing on "standard" difficulty, which is way, way, way too easy. I'm thinking about skipping straight to the hardest difficulty for a replay.
Just beat Prince of Persia (the newest one) - gorgeous looking game with amazingly beautiful music and funny dialogs, but it was too easy. There was never a sense of danger because you couldn't die, no adrenaline rush during boss fights which where all pretty much the same and easy to beat.
Didin't finish too many new games this year, just played the old (good) ones again. Here are the new ones anyway, or all that I remember finishing.
Fable 2
I actually finished this twice, with a good guy and an evil guy. I liked the game quite a lot, although it has almost no replay value at all after you've finished it with both a good and a bad char. But that's many hours of entertaining gaming anyway, so I guess it's ok. I also liked the humour in this game, the developers had a nice ability to combine the humorous and the more serious sides of the game.
Halo 3: ODST
This one was a bit of a disappointment, I had high hopes for the game but everything in it was average and it had no new stuff in it. I'm a Halo fan (GOG reputation -10 points lol) and I was really looking forward to this game, but all I got was an unsurprising and pretty lame story and no improvements in graphics or gameplay. The much-hyped open-ended gameplay turned out to be repetitive investigation of a boring ghost town. But still, it wasn't a bad game. It just wasn't what I expected it to be.
TES 4: Oblivion
A sequel to the great series that is completely inferior to it's predecessor, Morrowind (one of my favourite games btw). Oblivion was a neutral gaming experience (well it had an ability to piss me off but that's not what I mean), it's a typical "new-age" rpg: over-simplified gameplay inside a good-looking shell. Although I must say that I didn't even like the graphics, they somehow seemed so unnatural and too shiny for me. Nonetheless, I spent dozens of hours with this game and did have some entertaining moments, but the whole gaming experience was mostly quite bland. Of course, I played the game on Xbox so I couldn't mod it, many people have said that the mods save the game. Don't know about that, but this game can never achieve the fantastic atmosphere that Morrowind has.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
I bought this game spontaneously because it was so cheap (old xbox game) and looked interesting. To describe this game with just two words, it was ULTIMATE CRAP. The first thing that made me lose my mind were the loading times, which are almost as long as the levels between them. I won't start listing all the things that are bad in this game, would take too much time. Let's just say there are only 2 good things in this game: the cutscenes seem decent, considering when this game was made, and you get to play as Arnold. But that's it then. If you ever come across this game I recommend skipping it, unless you want to know how bad a video game can be.
And yes, I did finish this game. Still can't believe it.
MysterD: Just finished tonite:
Prototype for the PC.
Awesome game.
You guys ALSO still gotta' add]my post from a bit ago on finishing...
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel for the PC.[/url]

I haven't been updating the list since august. just begun doing it again.
bg1 done
Post edited December 26, 2009 by lukaszthegreat
Updated: December 26, 2009
Batman: Arkham Asylum-Great in just about every way. Too bad PC controls suck.
Mass Effect-Loved the story but the combat was awful.
Deus Ex-Hey, Metroid Prime, Imma let you finish, but Deus Ex is the Citizen Kane of gaming.
Secret of Monkey Island, The-This game has a three headed monkey thus it is among the greatest games ever.
This is probably it for the year as Monday I'll be getting high on drugs for a couple of days after having my wisdom teeth removed and probably won't be playing games until after new years.
Good run overall. Wish I had got through more games but 27 is not bad at all.
Post edited December 26, 2009 by lotr-sam0711
El_Double: TES 4: Oblivion
[...] Of course, I played the game on Xbox so I couldn't mod it, many people have said that the mods save the game. Don't know about that, but this game can never achieve the fantastic atmosphere that Morrowind has.

Believe me, it does ! The modding community on Oblivion is just amazing ! The thing is that, once you started to mod your Oblivion on PC, it's hard to stop. ;) Plus the fact that you sometimes have to run into annoying bugs and incompatibilities... But it's worth the effort! I actually can't play "vanilla" Oblivion anymore, modding it really underlines how bland and empty the original game was...
Actually, I never had the chance to try Morrowind "in-depth" but that mistake will soon be corrected... once i'll have finished Dragon Age Origins ! ;)
Michagogi23: Lost Crown, Return to Mysterious Island, Stalker Clear Sky, Desperados 2, Destination Treasure Island, Dracula 3, Nostradamus, Secreats of Da Vinci, Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider Underworld, Empire Total War, Rise of the Argonauts, Mirror's Edge, Call of Duty World at War, Warhammer Dawn of War 2, Ceville, Perry Rhodan, HAWX, Book of Unwritten Tales, Zeno Clash, Casebook Episodes 0-3, FEAR 2, Downfall, Sherlock HOlmes vs Jack the Ripper, Tales of Monkey Island, Prototype, Tex Murphy games, Overlord 2, Call of Juarez 2, Ghostbusters, Divinity 2, Whispered World, Wolfenstein, Resident Evil 5, Drawn, Batman Arkham Asylum, Black Mirror 2, MAchinarium, Risen, Dragon Age, Sanitarium, Stalker Call of Pripyat, Modern Warfare 2
do i win?

haha. nah. man. you probably aren't in top five :) check the first page. good try tough. and good luck with 2010.
bansama: Mirror's Edge. Several times.

how come you had never posted here again? :(
The list finally is up to date. Apologies for taking so long to update it.
Please keep posting games you finish through Christmas and new years.
In mid of January after all or at least most of you post the games you finished through last days of December, i would like to 'close' the thread and gather all the data aka how many people, how many games, top most popular games etc.
and then maybe open new thread for 2010
edit: btw. if i missed something check your name on the list on front page and let me know kay?
Post edited December 26, 2009 by lukaszthegreat