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I yet again beat the top score of my friends list on Geometry Wars 2, Deadline. :D
Totally just completed Kingpin! :D The first game I actually bought on here.
Threw up a review with no heart put into it as well. I forgot, I had completed Lure of the Temptress, as well.
I finally finished the Neverwinter Nights official campaign. I bought the game when it came out, but I got to near the end of Chapter 1 and put it aside for a long time. Now to work on the expansions...
Sorry I make a mistake.
I finish Myst 1 on the end of december 2008.
I finish Diablo 2 Lord of destruction last week.
Another update from me: Doom 1, Hexen + Deathkings of Dark Citadel.
I just completed Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
two endings
first I sided with Kue-jin. the ending was pathetic. Seriously. what were they thinking?
then reload cause I loathed the ending: I sided with Strauss and camarilla. nice ending.
character: Toreador. I concentrated on firearms. beginning of the game was quite hard. end of the game was easy. Simply too powerful. but my character had almost everything maxed out.
nevertheless. the best gameplay was with malkavian girl. most enjoyable and in the end i sided with myself. the best ending.
yeah, playing the malkavian is truly the best part of that game, mad in all the best ways. Also the best reaction to the cab driver when you're making the final choice of who to work with
The best ending I thought was the "screw you guys, I'm going home" one
Aliasalpha: The best ending I thought was the "screw you guys, I'm going home" one

Yeah. stabbing lacroix and then flipping off Nines. most satisfying.
did bloodlines last year. It had a few weak points, but on the whole it was a really good game.
I do think they put too much effort into having too many "races" though. Much as i enjoyed it, i can't see myself replaying it more than once (if that). If they'd taken some of that effort and made 3 races with even more detailed stories it'd have rocked.
(plus picking the wrong race can occasionally lead to lacklustre results. )
I just finished after many many years
Planescape: Torment
Wow this feels good.
I've had it for years, but never pushed forward to complete, one time when I was determined to complete it some stupid bug and not having a good savegame available caused me to stop from trying.
Last year I finally made a second attempt and stopped about 70 percent through and then just let it lie for a several months.
And now I finally finished it.
And it feels good. The feeling of having accomplished something epic (which it is, so I can heartily recommend it to anyone)
Oh and another thing which I finished (although this is only the first difficulty) is the wonderful Median XL mod for diablo 2.
Anyone who likes diablo and a bit (or should I say loads and loads) of challenge and doesn't know what I'm talking about, should check it out immediately.
I just finished fable 1. Yes, I know I'm late, but I never realized it to be such a great game before my friend showed me it. Loved it.
Recently finished: Gears of War (late again), CoD:WaW, HWWII campaign (God I loved that game then and I love it now. Thanks GOG.)
About to start playing Fallout 1, 2, 3 and Tactics. Hope to finish them by the end of March (my schedule's messed up).
Zhirek: I just finished after many many years
Planescape: Torment
Wow this feels good.
I've had it for years, but never pushed forward to complete, one time when I was determined to complete it some stupid bug and not having a good savegame available caused me to stop from trying.
Last year I finally made a second attempt and stopped about 70 percent through and then just let it lie for a several months.
And now I finally finished it.
And it feels good. The feeling of having accomplished something epic (which it is, so I can heartily recommend it to anyone)

It's another game that really encourages a re-play because of the various endings (gotta love a game where you can talk the big boss to death) and level of variation you get from being a good guy or a bastard
Completed Call of Duty World at War, much better then I thought it was going to be. Treyarch suck at supporting the game though, took me a good 4 hours of troubleshooting to get it into a playable stage on a windows xp machine.
I just finish Descent 3 Mercenary expansion pack
Ralackk: Completed Call of Duty World at War, much better then I thought it was going to be. Treyarch suck at supporting the game though, took me a good 4 hours of troubleshooting to get it into a playable stage on a windows xp machine.

That game was much too frustrating for me (I hate respawning enemies in general, but CoD5 really took it to a whole new level), but luckily I have a friend who for some reason also played it through and who would share his savegame for "Nazi Zombies: Nacht der Untoten". I have to say that I'm really enjoying this little homage to Wolfenstein... the only downside is that the PS3 version for some reason only allows two players in splitscreen mode, meaning that you have to play online for 4 player matches (which we do occasionally, but it's not nearly as much fun as splitscreen).
In other news: I haven't finished a single game this year, which has nothing to do with the quality of the games released on GoG or elsewhere, it's just that I like diversity. I usually don't stick with a game for more than two or three hours until I want something else.