Wishbone: What are you, made of money? Or are you simply a pirate? Games are not an infinite resource. They are limited by time and money. Many people simply don't have enough money to buy any game they want, at any time they want. Your happy-go-lucky attitude indicates that you have enough money to do just that, or that you, ah, "circumvent" the traditional mercantile channels of goods procurement.
Prator: I'm not made of money, nor do I pirate anything. I'm not sure how you drew those conclusions from my post. Why would I be on this website if I met either of those criteria?
Well, specifically, it was this little bit at the end. First:
Prator: That's too bad, but why worry about it?
Where you seem to say that money spent on something of little or no value to you, is a matter of no importance. Then:
Prator: There'll always be other games, as long as there are people with the imagination to create them.
Again, provided that you have enough money to buy them. And finally:
Prator: Why not just download, play, and be merry?
Where you seem to argue that games are not things you buy with hard earned money, but simply stuff you download.
That may not be at all what you meant, but that is how I interpreted it.
barleyguy: (But that quote tag is broken. The quote attributed to me is from domgrief.)
Sorry, it was broken when I got it. I demand my money back! :-D
Fixed now.
Prator: Also, I'd like to see a super-politically correct forum someday. I think it would be funny.
Only in very small doses, I think :-/